Chapter 5

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"So, tell me again why you're punishing me by leaving me alone this year?".

Frida chuckled as she placed the last dried plate in its place and she folded the damp tea towel she had been using until then. She had finally finished.

"I'm not punishing you, you dramatic. I said I'll be there on the 26th".

"Yes, on the 26th, leaving me on Christmas Eve and Christmas at the mercy of the aunts who will give me the third degree as to why, this year too, I will show up without a boyfriend and 'a rabbit in the oven'".

Frida sighed "Ah, the romance of your words".

"It's true and you know it's true. At least if you were there, we'd share the comments halfway between pitying and disappointed".

Frida chuckled, "Thank you so very much for reminding me that" and she sat down on the couch in the living room, letting out a deep sigh. She was really tired.

"You know I'm joking, my dearest beautiful cousin".

Frida chuckled "That's okay... I'll make you pay anyway... No presents for you".

Marie laughed "Love, your kids love me, I've no doubt they'll always have something for me. So... screw you".

They both laughed and kept talking. They hadn't spoken in the past few weeks as Marie had just returned from a business trip and Frida had updated her on the fact that for Christmas she'd not be present at the usual family reunion at their aunt's house.

The holidays weren't easy for her, since she had broken up with Ragnar, her cousin was right, the pitiful looks were certainly more evident, no matter how much effort she put into hiding her disappointment to her children. But family was family, and she wanted her children to feel the warmth of the family hearth. She wanted to make Christmas special for them. Special for them, manageable for her.

"Anyway, it doesn't end there, I want to know the name".

"Which name?" Frida frowned, returning to the phone call.

"Of the guy who stole you for Eve and Christmas, duh".

Frida groaned and dropped her head on the back of the couch "I can't escape you, right?".

"Don't even think about it".

"Well, you'll have to wait when we see each other... If we see each other" she hid a smirk.

"Ah... what?! If!? Frida, seriously, don't make come there 'cause I'd drag you by the hair".

Frida laughed "Love you too, Marie" then she moved the phone away and saw an incoming call "Listen, I've to go now. Tired and all, you know. Talk tomorrow?".

"Tired my ass! It doesn't end here! And love you too, witch!".

Frida laughed and they said their final goodbyes. Quickly, she moved the phone from her ear again and accepted the call.

"Hey, you" she answered, biting her bottom lip, stopping in time before starting to twist a strand around her fingers like in the movies. She rolled her eyes at herself.

"Hey... Are you free?" Benny's voice came warm and calm to her ears, a balm to her chaotic head, but she frowned at his few words. He seemed... a bit out of sorts to her.

Silent night - A Christmas Taleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن