Chapter 1: texas

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Jessica Stevens has gone through a lot of changes recently, her parents got divorced, her beloved cat Murphy passed away and the biggest change of all, she moved with her dad and new step mom from Toronto, Canada to Austin, Texas.

Today is Jessica's first day of senior year at her new school, Redfield High. "Notebooks, pencil case, water bottle..." Jessica says, looking through her pink kanken backpack "...folders and lunch", just then she hears her dad calling from downstairs "Jessie! We're about to leave! You don't wanna be late on your first day!", "I'll just be a minute dad!" She exclaims. Walking over to her full body mirror she looks at the picture of her with friends Paige and Brianna (or as they like to call themselves, PB & J), then looks herself up and down "you've got this Jess, it won't be as bad as you think" she says to herself quietly, Jess was filled with nerves today, I mean who wouldn't be when you're starting your first day of senior year in a new school, in a new town, in a new place, with recently divorced parents, and after losing your kitty companion just a few months ago. All of a sudden, her phone starts to ring, it was Paige and Brianna on FaceTime, quickly Jessica answered. "Hey Jess! You're gonna do great today!" Exclaimed Paige, "let us know if you meet any hot guys today Jess! They're all gonna be after you!" Brianna told her, to which Jessie replied "haha thanks girls! You always know just what to say to make me feel better". Just then dad called up again "come on down Jess! It's time to go!", swiftly Jess said bye to her friends and grabbed her bag as she ran downstairs to the car.


Looking back at his daughter, Gary noticed she looked nervous, "don't worry Jessie, it will be fine"
"I know dad, it's just a lot"
"Trust me, you'll have the best day and can tell me all about it at dinner tonight, it's spaghetti and meatballs, your favourite!"
"I should probably get going now, you know how I don't like being late"

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