𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Chapter Nine

(outfit at the top)

Sunday, August 27 2023

This was Rhea's first time ever watching a race in Formula One and safe to say, she was excited.

Everyone described it with such passion it made her want to learn about it more and watch it all.

She watched the practice and qualifying the previous days and she loved it already. Of course it got her a few Google searches and asking Carlos about it to understand everything, but she got the basics.

Speaking of Carlos, he missed the first practice because they had to let an Academy driver drive a Formula One car. However, he was there for the rest.

He was sixteenth for second practice, twelfth for the third practice and sixth for the qualifying. Then the race was yet to come.

Daniel had crashed and hurt his hand in the second practice, meaning he wasn't able to drive for a few races, but Liam Lawson would be replacing him.

She got Lola to come and watch it with her so she wasn't by herself and they got food and drinks to watch it too.

She took a quick picture and sent it to Carlos to show him they were about to watch it, right before he got into his car.

They would cheer whenever one of the Ferrari boys came on screen and they would laugh after.

Rhea explained it as best as she could for Lola to understand but after it all she just said that it was a bunch of men racing in really fast cars and that was fine for her to know.

There was a bit of commentary before the race actually started but as soon as it did, they were listening more then carefully.

Before we speak about the race, there was a few things that happened in the three days that had past.

The first thing, Noah went to Lola and complained to her about all of his problems and how Rhea didn't love him back and how it has ruined their friendship all of which she heard because she was upstairs when he spoke about it.

Another thing, Phoebe has a boyfriend, Milo. He was a nice guy and she liked him a lot too. He was definitely good for her and she spoke amazing about him.

And her auntie was coming in from England. She was such a bitch though. She'd always comment on her body and how it wasn't up to model standards. She tried to get her sister (Rhea's mother) to put her into a sport to get her to loose weight, but she refused unless her daughter wanted too.

But thankfully, when she would arrive in Greece, she would be in Italy watching the races so she'd be missing the visit. 

Also about Noah, he hasn't stopped calling her so for a majority of the days since that incident, she has put her phone on silent checked it frequently for any emergency calls or messages, which there were none.

Anyway, onto the race, it was supposed to last around an hour and a half. Their were seventy-two laps they had to complete. Unless obviously they crashed. 

Carlos was starting off good and then he went into the pit and went from sixth to seventeenth. But he managed to work his way up to seventh in only a few laps. 

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧- 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐳Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя