Auntie Lena

233 6 0

Age: 8

Tw: something? like she is having a reaction, idk... 

Plot: Nat had to go on a mission and left a moody Y/N with Yelena. What can go wrong?

A/N: no lectures, have fun! 3>

3rd Person's POV:

Natasha looked at the clock on her mission control panel and sighed heavily. She had been away on a mission for what felt like an eternity (and she left less than a few hours ago), and her heart ached for her 8-year-old daughter, Y/N. Now, leaving Y/N behind was always tough, but this time felt even harder. She had been in a bad mood since morning and giving her the bad news only made it worse. And Natasha hated to see her daughter sad.

For an 8-yo kid is normal to feel a little sad and worried when your mother isn't there, and y/n is no exception. However, she's lucky that her beloved Auntie Lena is there to care for her.

And then in two days, Nat should already be back. But they can really seem like forever when you're a little girl who wants her mommy. Or her mother when she wants to go back home.

Y/N was currently spending this forever coloring a picture on the kitchen counter, all sad and sulky when Yelena approached.

Yelena's POV:

Y/N had been feeling down ever since Natasha left, even before she was just moody. And then now she is all quiet and this worries me, she is a loud child, like very loud.

I observed the little artist with a furrowed brow, noting the somber strokes of the crayon on the paper. As the cool aunt, I couldn't stand to see Y/N upset, and I decided it was time to step in and lighten the mood.

"Hey, kiddo," I said, leaning against the kitchen counter with a casual grin. "What masterpiece are we working on today?"

Y/N glanced up, her eyes still carrying traces of sadness, but the sight of my playful expression managed to elicit a small smile. "It's a picture for mama. She said she likes surprises when she comes back."

I chuckled, crouching down to get a closer look at the artwork in progress. "Ah, the element of surprise. Very strategic. Cuddles guaranteed" I said with a smirk.

"Tell you what," I suggested, tapping a finger against my chin in mock contemplation. "How about we make cookies for when your mom's come back? I bet she would love it if we made them. What do you think? "

Y/N's eyes brightened at the prospect of baking cookies. I know they won't last till Nat's return, Y/N'll eat them all for sure, but at least she is not moody anymore.

3rd Person's POV:

Little did Yelena know, she was about to unleash culinary Armageddon upon the unsuspecting duo.

But let's talk about Yelena for a minute. She could handle a gun like a pro and kick some serious butt, but her cooking skills are... well, let's just say they are questionable. Her culinary repertoire pretty much consisted of mac n cheese, and only that, although they are not bad. So, you can imagine the chaos that would ensue if she dared to venture into baking territory.

Spoiler alert: it did.

Y/N's POV:

We are about to make cookies, I can't wait to eat them. Auntie Lena took all the necessary ingredients, she says she has found a simple recipe online.

But as we started mixing the ingredients, I noticed Auntie Lena's brows furrowing in confusion. She squinted at the recipe on her phone, then back at the mixing bowl, as if trying to decipher some ancient code.

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