Hypnosis Script Magicians Assistant

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Magicians and hypnosis are practically inseparable! How many times have we seen a show where the magician hypnotizes a character or whole audience! A lot. Hence why I wanna do this. A Magician brainwashing you to be a very helpful assistant for his upcoming show! As always if you're a minor please DO NOT READ THIS AND GO AWAY. Also remember that you can always say NO. Everyone else please, sit back, relax,

And lets begin

Focus only here now.

Relax your body.

As you take a deep breath in.

And deep breath out.

As you let the stress of your day go.

As you breathe in.

And breathe out.

Todays stress is over.

And you are allowed to relax.

Breathe in relaxation.

Breathe out your stress.

As the stress leaves you.

It's so easy to let my words in.

To let them fill your emptying mind.

As you breathe in relaxation.

Breathing out your thoughts.

As my words fill your mind.

It's so easy to just focus on them.

As they pull you deeper into relaxation.

All you can do is follow them.

Follow them deeper and deeper.

Into a warm.




My words easily pulling you along.


And deeper.

And deeper.

My words coil around your mind.

Squeezing out any left over thoughts.

Any left over stress.

As you give into the.




Completely mindless.

Completely empty.

You feel warm.

You feel happy.

You feel bliss.

As all you can do now.

Is fall into the void.

Falling now.


And deeper.

And deeper.

Into the warm.



But the void slowly changes.

Changes to a warm room.

Sitting nice and relaxed in a chair

Staring at a dressing room mirror

You feel so safe

Hypnosis Script Magicians Assistant NOT RPWhere stories live. Discover now