Jarilo-VI's Belobog.

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Caelus opened his eyes as the train stopped. It felt like a flash, so he wasn't sure wasn't sure if that was intentional or not. Dan Heng was giggling on the ground (He had been toppled over "again", apparently). Pom Pom's voice filled the air with a groan.

"Oh great! We hit a wall!" Caelus was glad that this body couldn't speak human words well. He'd say something sarcastic (They were in space, right? Where would there be a wall?). Himeko responded better than he would've.

"A wall? That's not good. Is there a nearby world?"

"I don't know. I'm right now checking for damages." March's voice filled the air after his.

"Oh I know where we are. That's Jarilo-VI." Caelus got up and joined her at the window, seeing the world. "World of Ice, as it was most recently marked as." Stelle hummed as she joined them.

"Something feels off. Like there's something caging the world." March hummed.

"Last time I was here, I felt that before. But I was so busy doing something else that I never looked into it." Dan Heng sat up.

"You were here before?"

"I wasn't trapped in one world before, Dan. I did travel. The point is that the problem doesn't seem to have let up." She paused before glancing at Stelle. "You don't think it could be a Stellaron, could it?"

"It's not off the table." Welt hummed.

"Let's see..." He tapped something on his phone as the group gathered around him, Caelus getting onto Dan's shoulders. "Yeah... There's a Stellaron here. Maybe that's why it's so icy." March hummed.

"I wouldn't doubt it. There's records that say Jarilo-VI was once a home to multiple cities that followed the path of Preservation. However, something happened as when I was there last, it was only one city." Stelle glanced at her.

"You think they'll remember you?"

"Probably not. It has been a while since the last time I was here. And even then, I doubt they'll know me as "March 7th" since that's my Nameless Faction Identity. I wasn't a member of the Nameless last time I was on Jarilo-VI." She paused. "Now that I think about it... what Identity would they know me as... I may have to go check that." Himeko hummed.

"At least tell me this... do you remember Jarilo-VI well enough to lead a team through there?" She nodded.

"100%. I'm just not sure Jarilo-VI will remember me. But with that concern aside, I can lead a team through there." Himeko nodded.

"Right. With that in mind, who would want to go?" Stelle smiled.

"I definitely want to go. I want to say I have been there, but my memories seem to be hazy. I want to see what I can uncover while we're here." Dan Heng hummed.

"I want to go. This'll be one of few worlds I haven't been to yet." Himeko nodded.

"Alright... March, Stelle and Dan are going..." She glanced at Welt, who looked lost in thought. "Do you want to go?" He shook his head.

"I should stay here..." Caelus noticed his hand tighten its hold in his cane, shaking slightly. Himeko nodded.

"Very well... I'll be staying here to help Pom Pom look into the damage and repairs of the Express." A look was shared between the others before she continued. "Caelus. What about you?" He paused before she smiled. "Actually... Let's make this your first Trailblaze Mission. As the newest member of the Nameless Faction, I want you to join the others in checking this problem out." Caelus nodded before she smiled. "In that case, you better get your stuff ready."


"Himeko's not going to do anything while we're gone."

"No shit, Sherlock."

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