17: Until I Met You

Start from the beginning

Cason was watching me the entire time I was using my phone; so naturally, I felt the need to explain. “It was just Olivia wondering where I am.”

He nodded in understanding before moving his gaze away from me.

“What about you, does your cell phone work?” I asked innocently, picking at a loose piece of wood at the edge of the pier.

Sending me a strange look, Cason nodded hesitantly. “Yes...” he said, stretching out his word as if he was confused about my question. “Why?”

“Oh, so what was the problem you had replying to the hundreds of texts I sent you all weekend?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He must have realized what I was talking about as he shot me a quick, but sheepish, smile before sighing and dropping his head slightly. “I’m sorry about that, it’s just, when I woke up early on Saturday morning, I immediately left your house because I was embarrassed about having basically barged in late the previous night. Then, I was just too embarrassed to talk to you and I thought you’d get mad at me or something so I just ignored you.”

“You should know me better than that Cason; I was worried all weekend because I thought something had happened to you.” I replied. “It wasn’t until I actually went to your house and your mom told me you were out that I realized you were actually ignoring me and not in some type of trouble.”

“Well I’m sorry for worrying you, like I said, I was just embarrassed about how I acted on Friday that I thought a little time to cool off would do me good.”

I sent a small, yet sincere smile towards Cason. “I get it now, it’s fine.” I said softly before gazing out at the calming sea in front of me.

“Jessa.” Cason said suddenly, effectively getting my attention as he broke through a few minutes of silence. “Did I happen to say anything stupid or strange on Friday night? I mean, I know I ended up at your house but I don’t actually remember a lot about what we talked about.”

“Well…” I started, and before I even spoke another word, Cason let out a groan of embarrassment, at which I had to laugh. “Don’t worry it wasn’t that bad.”

“Trust me, I’ve been drunk a couple times before and Evan and my mom are either laughing at me the entire time or are mad at me for blurting out harmful truths.” he groaned.

“Well you didn’t blurt out any harmful truths, but you did say that I had nice spaghetti, except you were really talking about my hair.” I said, trying not to laugh at the memory of our conversations. “Also, you said that when you sat on my couch you felt like you were on top of a cloud. Other than that you basically were trying not to throw up as you complained about how your mom would kill you if she found out you were drunk.”

Cason sighed in relief. “At least I didn’t tell you a deep dark secret or something like that.” he mumbled quietly, but since there was no noise around us, I heard him loud and clear.

“You have deep dark secrets?” I asked, intrigued by the idea of him hiding something so horrible that he would die if somebody find out.

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