I jolted up in a frenzy, panic flooding into my brain, not fully processing what that loud sound was. 

As the panic lifts, I recall it's one of the many alarms I set. I quickly grab my phone to silence it and check the time, praying I didn't sleep in. 

I tend to sleep past my alarms due to my restless nights.

"Shit, I'm so fucked." I groan, rubbing my eyes and hoping I read the time wrong.

I calm my racing heart as I recall the nightmares that plague my brain each night. They are taking a toll on my body, making each morning difficult. 

I'm not certain I've slept a full night in my life, and I certainly won't be achieving it any time soon. 

Releasing a slow exhale, I ready myself to tackle the morning.

"Here we go." I murmur to myself, before rushing out of bed to go to the bathroom.

I rub my eyes, opening them wide to see the damage done. My sun-kissed skin, with the light sprinkling of freckles across the nose, compliments my emerald green eyes. 

The once curly mane now lays frizzy and straightened, dark brown hues turning dusty red in the sunlight. 

Not having the energy to maintain my hair on a daily basis, it's normally secured in a hair clip

I gaze in the mirror, looking to expunge the mess from the previous day. 

The mascara I applied yesterday has smudged halfway down my cheeks while I was sleeping because I, once again, forgot to remove it the night before. 

After cleaning up around my eyes and reapplying mascara, I brush my teeth with my electric panda toothbrush. 

Finally, I release my hair from the clip and fluff it out to give it volume. I let it settle over my shoulders, flowing halfway down my back. 

Once I'm satisfied with my look, I rush back into my bedroom to get dressed.

I ran over to my little closet, standing on my tiptoes to reach the rusted chain hanging by the light bulb. 

I comb through the rows of clothes, needing to find a professional outfit for the interview.

A white blouse with small white roses embroidered across the neckline made its way into my view. 

The short sleeves have three layers of small white ruffles and hugged my cleavage to give them the extra push they desperately need.

Next, a black blazer with three gold buttons down the front to clasp it closed. Paired with a knee length, black pencil skirt. 

Five-inch, emerald green stilettos and a shoulder-length black purse with a gold strap, completed my look. 

Checking out the final product in the mirror, I was ready. I would land this job, I have to.

I turn all the lights off in my studio apartment, walking out the door and locking it behind me. 

Rushing down the blood stained hallway I'm hit with a faint smell of mildew, reminding me of the flood last spring. I burst out of the heavy iron front door, and emerged onto the sidewalk. 

I take a breath of fresh air, feeling my lungs discreetly thanking me for vacating the stuffiness of my home. 

After the refreshing oxygen intake, I check the Cinderella watch on my right wrist.

"Shit, why did I have to park so fucking far away." I huff, bolting toward my red 2012 Toyota Camry parked in the back corner of the lot.

The driver's side door handle is missing, but I keep a screw lodged in it. If I jiggle it two inches to the right, it will pop open. 

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