This marriage is just one of many things I've done to satisfy my father's ego for a little while before I take over his empire forever.

When she asked me what I meant by "mine," it interrupted my thoughts. I looked at her sharply and replied, "You'll be mine for the next two years of our marriage. During these two years of our marriage contract, you can't sleep with or have any relationships with other men or your boyfriend. Cheating on me means violating contract rules . No other man should touch you or even come close to you. You must stay loyal to me and our marriage even though it’s a fake still I want you to respect it. ”

Her stunned expression is comical.

I added for her relief “ of course after the end of our two years marriage contract you’re free to do anything you wish “

As much as I despise saying the words "you'll be mine," I have to make it clear to her that once we're married, she can't have affairs with other men or continue seeing her boyfriend. I have strict rules, and I won't tolerate her breaking them. Our marriage is purely a business deal, but I expect her to remain faithful. I can't risk having my name or my family's name dragged through the mud by scandalous rumours in the newspapers if she's caught with another man after our marriage.

“ without even knowing me, how could you just assume that I'll cheat on you ?” her raspy voice came out desperately in need of an answer.  She looks so offended as if I falsely accused her for something that she would never have done or won’t attempt to do.

Ahh, there comes her act of being innocent.

She is the elder daughter of Davies Emerson, the  filthy mafia who found a shittiest plan to lock me in this marriage with his daughter for his own benefits and here, she is acting as if she doesn’t have her father’s blood running in her.

Her bloodline is enough to say that she is anything but innocent.

“ I  don’t need to know you personally to judge you ...the fact that your father is Davies Emerson is enough '' I said calmly yet nothing about the way I stared at her could be addressed as calm.

"Well, then, sorry to disappoint you because I'm nothing like my father," she sharply retorted, her eyes betraying a mix of emotions.

“ I smell daddy issues ” I couldn't help but smirk.

“ you’re one to speak of that ?” the way she made me still, i hate it.

But she got some guts to keep talking back to me knowing how dangerous it could be for her if i lost my temper.

Before I could say anything else she threw a question at me: "And what's the guarantee of you remaining loyal to this marriage?"

“ Possessive much already wifey ?” I ask , knowing how much she hates to have this conversation as she looks away with a sigh.

But I responded with confidence "As long as you 're together I won't cheat. I don’t cheat.  " As she nodded in understanding but then again she asked something that was out of syllabus and i didn’t expected it for sure.

“ And what about when you get horny ?” It seemed like the question left her mouth even before she could realise as her eyes widened, being not able to believe that she asked me something like this. 

She is such  a surprise to her own self.

“ Then I might need a hand in help ….” I dragged enjoying her embarrassing reaction on her face.

And I might need your mouth in help too! 

She looked down, shifting a bit on her spot, not able to face me anymore. And for some reason it gave me a strange satisfaction. 

I added, "I'm a man of my word," with a wink that seemed to unsettle her.

I thought she might fall silent, sparing my ears from her constant chatter, but she surprised me yet again as she swiftly changed the subject "Okay, enough about contracts and rules. Let's talk business now" she said, shifting the conversation.

"Business?" I demanded an explanation from her, curious about her intentions.

"Yeah, of course," she shrugged, leaning in and whispering, "You can't expect me to follow all the rules, be loyal, and play the sweet fake wife for you for free, right?"

Her mention of money surprised me. I hadn't considered this angle before, especially since she herself is a millionaire. I never thought about bringing money into the contract. Now, she seemed even more suspicious to me. Isn’t her father one of the richest men in the world ?  but this isn't the time to unravel puzzles.

"Talking about money, are we?" I raised an eyebrow, seeking clarification.

"C’mon" she exhaled heavily, leaning back on the couch with a challenging smirk, "Don't tell me you haven't thought about it yet."

“ it’s just, i don’t see a point why  Davison Emerson’s  daughter would get into a contract marriage for money when her father is rich  and loaded one itself “ i was being nasty with my words i know, but the way she kept pushing my buttons just because i’ve to tolerate her for a while irked me to the core where i stopped holding back my tongue for the sake of politeness.

"Even I don't see the point of a dangerous and ruthless mafia like you being forced into this marriage when you could simply deny it. '' Her sharp reply impressed me. Wait ? Impressed ? That's not the right word given this situation with her. And she goes ahead gaining my focus. “ Look, we both have our reasons for agreeing to this marriage, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped prying into things I don't want to discuss and instead considered rewarding me for acting as a sweet and loving wife for a heartless man like you."

Her smirk irritated me, but I resisted the urge to react impulsively  "How much?" I cut the conversation short.

There’s no point in keeping this word-war going on with her knowing the fact that we both are forced into this for our father’s business benefits and our own selfish reasons. 

She chuckled softly, adopting a casual posture, crossing her legs and leaning back. "Not much, just eight billion," she replied with an air of confidence and attitude that irked me.

" Deal "

Best of luck To tolerate her for the  next two years, I heard my inner self’s voice echoing.


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