Chapter Four

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Kevin McHale- 4 months pregnant

Boston, MA,

Kevin has been keeping up with the doctor's appointments and following up with the Obstetrician. However, his Obstetrician had advised him that he should be sidelined for the rest of the NBA season. Well of course it wasn't easy for Kevin to deal with the changes and other things, but with the help from his mom and dad, he turned to Larry Bird who was also the father of his baby and would do things for those who would always have the support system.

Kevin McHale's POV:

Just so you know it wasn't easy having to deal with the situation since my obstetrician had advised me to be sidelined for the rest of the NBA season. I was bummed out because I wanted to play with Larry Bird so that we could win the championship together, but I was fine since I can still be given a minute to play even if I am at my eight months of pregnancy. Otherwise, I'll get some rest

Larry Bird came to the front door where he would give Kevin McHale some food and groceries. "Oh Larry, you didn't have to do that," "I know, but my mom called me to come over to your house," It got to the point when Kevin wasn't expecting anything from his boyfriend.

Larry Bird: what did your obstetrician say?

Kevin McHale: unfortunately, I will not be playing for the rest of the season because of my pregnancy.

Larry Bird: oh ok.

Kevin McHale: I was bummed out knowing that I can't play.

Larry Bird: me too Kevin, I was bummed out too.

Kevin McHale: if I know for sure about labor and delivery, I probably have to go to the pregnancy support center.

Larry Bird: I'll go with you.

Kevin McHale: you sure?

Larry Bird: yes.

There was the office where everyone was meeting with the teens and young adults who got pregnant early. The first thing he met was the young girl who got pregnant at 13 and was excited to meet Kevin McHale.

Girl: so what's your name?

Kevin McHale: Kevin Edward McHale.

Girl: I'm Nina.

Kevin McHale: Hi Nina.

Nina: so you got pregnant before the NBA season?

Kevin McHale: Yes I have my dear.

Nina: Oh wow.

Melissa: and you're the Center for Boston Celtics right?

Kevin McHale: Yep.

The teens that had kids on their own and then pregnant understood the situation Kevin McHale had to go through and somehow, it wasn't just something that he had dealt with, it was something that his obstetrician had advised not to play for the rest of the NBA season. In that circumstances, Kevin wanted to find something that will enhance his ability to be an athlete and a mother at the same time.

~ Kevin McHale's bedroom~

Not only did Kevin decide that he wanted to be on the side of the sports, he looked forward to hanging out with the family and players. It was a shocker that Kevin McHale was on the phone call telling his teammates that he was pregnant. Kevin McHale is now 4 months pregnant and there will be the times that his body will be changing and developing his experience to become a mother.

Next, Mr. And Mrs. McHale came in the room and called Kevin McHale over to have a talk with him. Perhaps, about finding a birth partner and having Larry Bird by his side.

Mrs. McHale: Kevin?

Kevin McHale: yes Mom?

Mrs. McHale: your dad and I have been meaning to talk to you about birth partners.

Kevin McHale: Okay sure.

Kevin McHale's POV:

I went downstairs to have a conversation with my parents about finding a birth partner even though I didn't ask for anything to be my birth partner because I never thought I'd be able to get used to being with me when I give birth to a baby. I mean, my goodness! It's hard to find a midwife nowadays even Larry Bird knows that I have been going through the rough patches of my pregnancy. My pregnancy is healthy, it's just that I tend to get moody and not be like myself sometimes. Although, my mom and dad understood what I've been going through. I explained to Larry Bird, Robert Parish and the rest of the boys in my team about my pregnancy and they knew and was fine with it.

Mrs. McHale: Kevin, I know that I told you this but we can be your birth partner and your doula.

Kevin McHale: Mom? Dad? Are you serious?

Mr. McHale: yes and don't worry, we're not mad because we knew you were shocked and frightened about it.

Kevin McHale: I know.

Mrs. McHale: did Larry Bird know about the situation?

Kevin McHale: yes he did Mom.

Mrs. McHale: oh okay and not only do you need a birth partner, I can be your midwife and your dad can be your doula.

Kevin started tearing up knowing that he couldn't ask for a better midwife.

Kevin McHale: Mom, you have no idea what it means to me.

Kevin McHale's POV:

My mom and dad decided to go themselves as my midwife and doula and of course, it has been a nerve racking experience since they found out that I was pregnant. At least, I have to figure out which birth am I going to have. Either I am going to have a home birth, go to the birthing center or yet, go to the hospital. I'm sure Larry Bird is going to be with me when I give birth to a baby. The next thing I am going to look forward to is to find out whether I'm going to have a boy or a girl, but I'll have to wait and see.

A/N: Will Kevin McHale and Larry Bird have a boy or a girl? Comment and tell me what you think.

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