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"Then, they have the audacity to question my decision on marriage!" Reina spat. "Who gave them the right to even deny my capability of choosing a prince, after all these months of nagging!"

"Please, your Highness, mind your etiquette." Thania whispered.

It was a breezy morning in Konstania's palace and the Hibiscus Quarters were overflowing with botanical arrangements. Bright pink Angelionas traced along the steps that lead Reina and her ladies-in-waiting to the large oak-wood table patterned with lilac seating. A vase of hibiscus fragilis sat in the middle of the table, almost peering down on the o'devours accessorizing each placemat.

Reina sucked in a breath. She had reluctantly decided to spare Thania, one of the earliest additions to her collection of maidens, the product of her frustration.

"Worry not," Lydia chimed in. "You wanted to marry for love, and that's what you're doing."

Marry for love. The dozen ladies grew quiet behind their Highness.

"Yes, and I take pride in my decision."

The setting created a warm ambience onto the quarters. Lanterns with floral accessories were hung above the trees for when the evening came over the bay. Thoughts of the late King pacing in this very section of the palace brushed through Reina's vision. She blinked them away.

"The Royal family of Valamore has arrived." called a butler from the doors, he returned into the palace as quickly as he came. Reina's stomach tightened as she recalled the ministry's thornful words.

Lydia, Thania, and Daphne were the selected ladies to accompany Reina through the event. And though palace gaurds accessorized the perimeter of the garden, it was an unspoken rule between the Princess and her courtiers that she was never to venture with outsiders without at least one of her ladies.

The doors opened yet again, Queen Valerie, King Heiffner, and Prince Drystan were escorted down the stairs in sync.


His gray eyes seemed to glisten when they met hers. An eclipse of enamoration, as the poets would call it.

"Angelionas, my favorite." Drystan grazed his fingers against the arrangement leading him down the steps. They exchanged a polite smile.

"Your Excellencies." Reina bowed, feeling small before the grand beauty of the Valamoran Queen.

Queen Valeria seemed to bless those around her with the sight of her belle. Golden locs interrupted by crimson poppy clips seamlessly traveling down her narrow shoulders, pouring past her velvet garments. She had eyes that doed upon those that met her gaze, in them was a softness that stole Reina's attention.

How old is she? Reina often thought. How did the King in all his . . glory . . obtain a woman this beautiful?

With Drystan's gray eyes and charcoal hair, the only asset he got from his mother was her allure.

"My, your Majesty. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Queen Valerie granted airy kisses on either cheek. Her fragrance ran up Reina's nose, threatening a sneeze.

"I appreciate you taking such a voyage to meet with me today. I trust Konstania has been treating you well?"

"Oh, the country is just lovely." Queen Valerie began.

King Heiffner's heavy tone interrupted the exchange "Our voyage was just fine. Although, the treatment we have received from your . ." He turned to face the guardsmen lined against the doors. " . . staff, has been a slap in the face to our titles. Why must we go through such fickle security measures simply for a luncheon."

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