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A small child maybe seven years old. He was running and behind him was another seven-year-old boy who looked just like him.

"Zhan, you give me back my toy."-

Behind, the seven-year-old was shouting angrily and following his brother.

Another kid named zhan was running ahead with a rabbit toy in his hand.

"Sean Take this off my hands if you can"-
Zhan said with a smile and he walked down the stairs into the store room.

Sean When he saw his brother enter the store room, he stopped following his brother and stood there.

Sean was very angry at his brother's behavior as his brother always used to tease him.

The seven-year-old boy entered the store room with a puff and when he entered the room was dark all around. Sean gets scared in this darkness, starts calling out in fear----

" Z-zhan,  I'm afraid where are you?"

But there was no sound in the store room and the voice of sean was everywhere.

Sean is a bit scared and enters in fear...

As he enters zhan comes from behind and yells at him from behind causing sean to scream in fear.

Zhan laughs and says sean," I see you are very scared, timid. "

Sean was very angry at his brother's behavior and he pushed his brother to the floor.and climbs on top of him and beats him and zhan also beats Sean. Zhan also to protect himself.

The two of them were tussling like this and rolling on the floor when a box fell on them on top of the cupboard next to them.

The box was made of paper so they didn't get hurt that much.But from inside that box came out some pictures and albums and a diary which they were surprised to see.

They looked at each other first and sat down with the things inside the store room by the window where the light was coming in.

time skip

A small flower shop. But that shop was well crowded. Be that as it may, on the first day of the year, everyone was buying flower bouquets on this occasion.Maybe they are for that special someone

The shop owner and his two employees were busy with their customers when a boy entered the shop.

The boy's name was Wen Chao.And he enters the shop and approaches the owner of the shop and walks up to him with a silly smile and says, "Wangji  Happy New Year's Day to you."

The shop owner means WangJi, narrows his eyes in annoyance when he sees this boy and exclaims, 'This donkey is here again.'

'you said something"-

Then Wangji looks at Chao and says with a forced smile, "welcome to our shop, anything you need for the first day of the year."

"yes, you "- wen Chao was directly flirting with wangji in front of everyone.....

"But here the owner of this shop is not given, so you have to take something else."- Huasiang said from the side and he is wangji's helper and his best friend

"But I really want this flower And the owner or husband of this flower!"-
Wen Chao told And his eyes were on wangji

"But uncle you seem to have a problem on your eyes because here what you think of flower is a person and our mama"- A boy said and next to him another boy said and he also said -

"You quickly go to the doctor for your eye problem and get treated quickly.Because we are not willing to make this kind of bearded and bald uncle our father."

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