Chapter 4

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Michelle's POV

I woke up with the sun shining on my face, I felt warm hands on my waist and I was surprised that it was Anntonia. "She slept with me?" I thought and smiled a bit, I was staring at her and removed some of her hair that was blocking her gorgeous face, I gently caressed her cheeks.

"How could you make me feel like this Ann?" I said silently.

I decided to make our breakfast, my first time cooking here in Thailand. I cooked fried rice, bacon, and eggs with my coffee and one for Anntonia also.

"Wakey, wakey my tour guide" I woke her up gently.

"Wha-what?" She scanned the room and remembered she fell asleep in my room. "Oh, I'm sorry about sleeping in your room, I should go back to my room. I'm sorry abou-..." I signalled her to stop.

"It's okay! Let's eat breakfast?" I said and pulled her out of the bed and head to the table.

"Did you cook this?" She asked

"How did you know?"

"Well I can see that the frying pan is newly washed Miss Dee."

"Taste it??" I said as she nods

"Mhm..this is good Michelle, I didn't know you can cook"

"Well I just learned it online, but thank you for the compliment" I said smiling widely as we finish our breakfast.

"Thank you for this Dee it was so good!"

"Anytime" I replied with a light smile

"I'll be heading back to my room now, we need to get ready" she was about to go but suddenly I had the urge pull her by the wrist and hug her. I was just as shocked as her, but it feels so good to be in this situation.

"Thank you for yesterday!"

Anntonia's POV

I'm shocked that she suddenly hugged me out of nowhere.

"Your welcome Dee" as I hugged her back. We stayed like this for a while and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. "Am I starting to like her?" I thought.

"I'm sorry for hugging you without your permission"
She said as we part our bodies.

"It's okay Dee...oh, and get ready we will go find some clothes for the ball tomorrow"

"Oh yeah...wait it's tomorrow??? Time is going fast"

"Yeah, I know. So...see you later?"

"Of course Miss Porsild" she replied while waving at me.

I got back to my room and I was still overwhelmed by what happened earlier, just by thinking about it makes me happy and I can't stop but feel butterflies in my stomach.

"You should get ready Ann" I Said to myself feeling giddy.


Michelle's POV

We're currently at the mall looking for a perfect outfit to wear tomorrow. We saw a boutique their outfits looks pretty and perfect for tomorrow's event. Ann and I got in and she quickly headed straight to a sexy and pretty looking, black dress.

"I think this is the one Michelle" she said.

"Go ahead and try it on"

She got in the fitting room, while I was waiting...I searched for a dress for me to wear, and I saw this white and shiny dress.

"This is it!"

"Michelle! I'm ready." She shouted

"Okay, come out. I wanna see."

She went out and my jaw dropped she's so beautiful and it fits her so well.

She went out and my jaw dropped she's so beautiful and it fits her so well

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"Sooo? What do you think?" She asked waiting for my opinion.

"You look beautiful in it Anntonia" I said while looking straight at her. I don't even want to blink because I might miss something.

"Thank you!"

She looked at my arm were I hold my dress.

"Is that what you chose?" She asked with curiosity.


"Go to the fitting room after I change , I want to see it also." She said in a excited tone.

I did what she told me and fitted the dress.

"Uhm...Ann I'm done."

Anntonia's POV

I was waiting for Michelle get ready, I'm excited on what she would look like. Dress she chose looks beautiful, I can't wait to see her wearing it.

'Uhm...Ann I'm done." I heard.

"Oh, okay. Come out pleaseee"

She came out of the fitting room, and everything around me stopped, she walked towards me as if we're in a slowmow. She looks so gorgeous in it.

"So what do you think?" She asked

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"So what do you think?" She asked

"I love you" blurted out of nowhere.

"W-what?" She asked confused as I came back to my senses.

"What?!" As I was also shocked to what I said. "I-I said y-you look gorgeous in it" I said in panic.
What the hell was that Ann.

"Oh..uhm.. thank you!" She said.


"Miss" she called the sales lady. "We'll take this dresses please, thank you!" She said to the sales lady.

I still can't believe on what I have said earlier, it's embarrassing. Michelle is looking at me, I can't help it but blushed I tried to hide my face with my so that she won't see me blushing.

"You okay?" She asked

"Uhm..yeah" I shyly said.

We headed back to the hotel after we got the dresses.

Michelle's POV

I was now at my room. I can't help but think about what Ann just said earlier, it kept on replaying on my mind.

"I love you"

Those three words were enough to make me blush so much, luckily I have blush on my face so it wasn't noticeable.

Did she mean it?

Ang daming paramdam ngayon ah

Unconditional Love (PORDEE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora