Chapter 8

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Today, the atmosphere in the classroom hung heavy with tension, as the only friend I have in this school seemed distant and cold towards me once again. The day marked the submission deadline for our paired essay, and my gaze was fixed on him as he held our paper, making his way to the front to submit it. A silent hope lingered within me, wishing that before he handed in our essay, he would break the icy silence between us with a few words or a simple question. Yet, my wish remained unfulfilled, and I could only observe him approach Mr. Highbottom's table to submit the paper along with the others.

At this moment, an overwhelming wave of emotions threatened to engulf me. I felt on the verge of tears, but I resisted, recognizing the childishness of succumbing to such emotions. No, it wasn't me being childish; it was Coryo who seemed to be acting irrationally. I struggled to understand why he would be upset about a baseless rumor, especially one claiming that I was dating Sejanus. It didn't make sense, and my mind couldn't grasp the reason behind his frustration. Could it be that he has feelings for me? The memory of the time he walked me home, that moment when our lips almost met, replayed in my mind like a cherished melody, haunting my thoughts each day.

Coryo finally passed the paper, and as he made his way to the chair beside mine, his presence lingered in the air like a sweet, unspoken secret. He avoided meeting my eyes, his gaze fixed resolutely ahead, a captivating mystery wrapped in every stride. The silence between us became a weight, a heavy ache in my chest. I yearned for him to turn and steal a glance my way, to acknowledge my existence, to break the invisible barrier that had taken root between us. It felt like an exquisite agony, this dance of avoidance.

My heart drummed a rhythm of frustration; I couldn't stand the idea that he was purposefully ignoring me. I longed to reach out and bridge the gap, to whisper that the rumors were nothing but lies and that my heart was an open book, waiting for him to read its pages. The truth hung in the air, a confession waiting to be uttered.

The sudden interruption of Mr. Highbottom's announcement snapped me out of my reverie. His words echoed through the room, a reminder that the world outside our silent bubble still existed. "I see that you all have completed the task," he declared with an air of authority, his voice breaking the spell that had momentarily entranced me. "But don't be so sure because I'll still be checking that. The content of the essay is still important," he cautioned, injecting a sense of gravity into the air.

As the class resumed, I reluctantly redirected my attention to Mr. Highbottom, though my thoughts still lingered on Coryo. The ordinary hum of the classroom became a distant murmur, overshadowed by the pulsating undercurrent of emotions that flowed between us. During the lesson, I couldn't help but steal glances at Coryo, hoping that our eyes would meet, and the unspoken connection would finally be acknowledged.

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Lunchtime arrived, and as I strolled solo toward the cafeteria, a sense of emptiness lingered within me. The journey felt like a daunting trek, haunted by the absence of someone special. Contemplating whether to approach Coryo had consumed my thoughts, but with determined resolve, I decided to talk to him and unravel the web of lies spread by Clemensia.

As I stepped into the bustling cafeteria, my eyes fixed on Coryo, surrounded by our classmates, Clemensia among them. A surge of pain stung the back of my eyes, threatening to spill as tears welled up. What on earth is happening? There they sat, a united front, while I stood on the fringes. I hadn't committed any wrongdoing, yet I found myself isolated and abandoned. The ache of loneliness gnawed at me, leaving me to question the unraveling of my once-secure world.

Amidst the humdrum of the bustling cafeteria, my heart found solace in an unexpected encounter. Coryo's eyes, like two ocean orbs, met mine, unleashing a glimmer of hope within the mundane routine of school life. Yet, our connection was short-lived, shattered by the intrusion of a classmate contending for his attention. Suppressing an internal eye roll, I gathered my lunch and sought refuge at a vacant table, longing for a moment of solitude.

As I delved into my meal, the distant murmurs from Coryo's table beckoned me with an irresistible attraction. The concealed symphony of whispers and unspoken sentiments wafted through the air, revealing a narrative yet to unfold. Unable to resist, I succumbed to eavesdropping, my ears attuned to the conversation that unexpectedly gravitated toward me.

"I see you and Beatrice have been close these past few days," Vipsania, a friend of Clemensia's, asked Coriolanus.

Attempting to appear nonchalant, I continued to savor my lunch, relishing each bite while secretly stealing glances at Coryo's table. The air around us seemed to thicken with an unspoken tension, like the anticipation of turning the page in a forbidden love story.

After what felt like an eternity, Coryo finally broke the silence. His words hung in the air, weaving a delicate tapestry of uncertainty and possibility. "Yeah," he said. "We've been paired with the essay, so we got to work hard on that." His casual tone belied the turmoil beneath the surface, and an involuntary sigh escaped my lips. I had assumed he wouldn't want to talk about me, but there it was, a bridge between us.

As if on cue, Festus interjected with a morsel of gossip that sent a shiver down my spine. "Didn't you hear that she's with Sejanus?" The mention of another name pierced through the fragile bubble of hope that had momentarily enveloped me, casting a shadow over my growing feelings for Coryo.

I was on the brink of defending myself, ready to declare the rumors false, when Coryo uttered words that struck my heart like a dagger. "I'm only with her because of the paired assignment, nothing more," he stated matter-of-factly. The world crumbled around me, and the weight of his words settled deep within, a heavy burden on my heart. Without a second thought, I rose from my seat, the chair protesting against the floor's resistance, and fled from the cafeteria. My heart pounded in sync with the hurried rhythm of my retreat.

Footsteps trailed behind me, yet I sprinted faster, bursting out of the school and into the snowy embrace of the weather outside. Confusion engulfed me, and I found myself at a loss. Coryo's words echoed in my mind, the notion that he was only with me due to some assignment—I refused to believe it. There had to be more to our collaboration than mere academic obligation. Memories of our shared study sessions flooded my heart and mind, each moment etching itself into the fabric of my being. He made me feel alive, a sensation that lingered long after our study sessions concluded. Now, he seemed inexplicably absent, a void left by his hurtful words.

Tears welled up, blurring my vision, and all I craved was the comfort of home. With a determined stride, I navigated my way back, a mix of anger, confusion, and heartache enveloping my every step. The snowy landscape mirrored the coldness that had settled within me. Yet, deep down, a flicker of hope yearned for resolution, for an explanation that would mend the fractures in my heart.

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