1. Ancient dreams in a modern land

Start from the beginning

The city was the same as Lumine had remembered it; As they drove into the centre and were going through a brightly lit road between the glass skyscrapers, her eyes were sliding from one pedestrian to another. There were so many people and so many faces, and she was forgetting them in the span of a second, only to get to know new ones.

"Okay but I don't understand" Navia broke the silence suddenly. "Since you clearly have a place to stay and even your own personal car, then why did you ask to stay with me and Clorinde?"

Lumine yawned, feeling her eyes tear up.

"Because the board doesn't know your address, so they won't bother me" she explained.

Navia giggled.

"So you're ghosting the people that your whole livelihood depends on" she sighed, still amused. "Tell me, when they fire you, what exactly do you plan to do next? Would you stay in modelling?"

"Probably not. I should go find myself a serious job or something like that." Lumine tried to fix her posture but her neck and back were sore and no matter what she did, she was still uncomfortable. "I'll have to quit it eventually any way." She shrugged and rolled her eyes. "They're not going to fire me, though."

"How can you be so certain?" Navia frowned and took a sharp right turn. "You're not really making yourself indispensible treating your work like that."

"My 'ghosting'" Lumine pulled a face as she said this word "is the least of their issues. Also, it's not like they can replace me. And even if they can, it would take time, and they don't have it."

"I suppose." Navia clicked her tongue. "When are you planning to get to that flat they provided you with?"

"In three, maybe four days." Lumine watched the blocks behind the window. They were all shiny new, high-end developer projects. A beautiful facade, hiding the post-communistic neighbourhoods. "Why?"

"I just wanted to know how much time you've got on your hands" Navia confessed. "People have been asking about you."

Lumine winced.

"Anyone worth mentioning?"

"Nahida and some investors from the magazine." Navia said. "Nahida is actually hosting parties, the day after tomorrow and the day after that, so I think it'll be good for you to show up and catch up with people."

Lumine shook her head.

"You mean, I should make my presence known and I should do that by crashing my friend's events?" She smirked.

Navia sighed, driving the car to the parking under her block.

"Don't be silly, Nahida says she wants you there" she pointed out. "Anyhow, she can tell you that herself, because I set a date for the two of you for tomorrow."

Lumine nodded pleased.

"Sounds good."

Navia nodded as well and stopped the engine.

"Also, before I forget." She reached to her purse and took out a small pink sparkly notebook. "Here," she handed it to Lumine, who accepted it and began leafing through it. "This is your schedule for the next two days. I knew your mind would be too preoccupied to do it yourself, so I managed some appointments for you, so you won't get bored."

Lumine stared at the calendar's pages in awe. It was magnificent. Everything was planned so carefully and there wasn't a way to waste a minute. There were facials, manicure, pedicure, massage, sauna, hairdresser appointment, specified time for shopping and precise amount of time meant for sleeping and consuming meals. And most importantly: parties.

RUSH HOUR ||wriothesley x lumine modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now