"I guess you happened." Randy smirked back, squeezing her cheek affectionately with his free hand.

Their waiter started to bring them some plates, placing a couple of true Polish vodka bottles on the table and wishing them a great time. Sylwia smiled and uncorked the first bottle, filling Randy's glass and then her own. "Na zdrowie!" The girl raised her glass, toasted Randy and then downed her vodka in one gulp. She put down her glass and took a gherkin from her plate, biting into it as she stared at Randy. "And is that a good thing?"


"That I happened to your life."

"One of the best things." At that, Randy smiled again. "Don't you think so?"

The Polish girl looked straight at him for a couple of seconds before replying. "I do, yeah." She simply replied, filling again their glassed, getting ready for another toast. "Let's drink to that. Na zdrowie!"

Randy chuckled, clicking his glass with hers. "Cheers to that!"

The evening continued pleasantly, with Randy letting Sylwia guide him through that Polish culinary experience, admiring her for how she proudly described the customs of her country. He even joked about travelling to Poland together one day and, to his surprise, the girl did not refuse such an idea; contrarily, she looked even kinda excited.

They talked a lot, sat down at their cute table, Sylwia opened up a bit, telling him some stories about her life back in Poland, Randy did the same, talking about her a little about his past, about his daughter.

The conversation flowed smoothly, so pleasantly, it was like talking to someone they had always known, they were so at ease with each other. They showed each other a side of them that they didn't see until now.

When they left the restaurant, Randy proposed a ride on the beach to the girl, she gladly accepted. Along the road, he intertwined his hand with hers, pushing the girl closer to his body, so he could also circle her shoulders.

There was something of extremely right in being that close, it was like it was meant to be, for how much of a cliche it sounded.

Even in moments of silence, neither of them felt awkward, there was something of comforting even in that.

Being a gentleman, Randy also placed his jacket around the girl's shoulders -even though it was a pretty hot evening-, who playfully teased him about being softie. Normally, Randy would have punched anyone who would have said such a thing, but he couldn't help but chuckle when it was Sylwia to do it. She did really have an effect on him, which was not only physical.

They walked like this, in a comfortable silence, holding hands, away from the night life of the city, to find themselves on a quiet beach. That evening the sky was clear, they could admire the stars.

Sylwia did, once they sat down a low wall overlooking the beach. The light evening breeze slightly ruffled her long blonde hair, the light of the stars and the moon illuminated her round face. And she admired the stars in the sky, Randy found himself admiring the girl sitting next to him as she was the most precious and beautiful thing he ever laid his eyes on.

After a while, Sylwia noticed the man's eyes on her, but was not bothered or awkward about it, still, she decided to tease him. That was a something she particularly enjoyed. "Is this the part where you tell me I'm the most beautiful star in the whole universe?"

Randy chuckled at her line. "That wouldn't be a lie." He took a deep breath, placing again his hand in hers. "We should do this again." He said, causing her to look back at him. "You and me, out again, proper dates. If you want to, obviously."

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