Episode 4: Off to Alabasta! Am I Even Human!?

Start from the beginning


"I can't do nothing about it. Your gonna have to figure something out" Ace said as Pan had went into his bag and pulled out the cards and just started to play with them on her lap.

"You know what would be nice?" Pan asked out loud for Ace to hear.


"Some food right about now" Pan had said as she had put a red 4 of hearts up under a black 5 cards of spade.

"I got some fruit in there if you want one. Just don't eat it all" Ace said as Pan grabbed his book bag and started rummaging through it. She found a Pear and started to peel it with the knife Ace had holstered on his outer thigh. "And peel me an Apple would you please?" Ace asked as he had looked ahead to see if he saw something. Pan had frowned and poked her lip out and mumbled to herself: "I'll peel ya leg off" as she had got an apple and peeled it for him anyways. Pan had put his knife back in its holster and started eating her pear and held Ace's apple for him. "Can I get my apple" Ace asked as he stared at her. Pan had looked up at Ace and looked at his apple.

"If you eat my apple I swear-"

"And whatcha gonna do about it?" Pan said teasing Ace and bringing closer to her mouth. Ace had stopped the boat abruptly sending Pan and him almost flying. Pan had dropped the apple in the process and it flew up into the air and Ace caught it before it fell into the ocean.

"Ow! What the heck Ace!" Pan said rubbing her head as she had hit it. Ace had chuckled to himself. Pan had frowned and then did something Ace didn't expect. Pan had grabbed his leg and bit it. "OW!" Ace's apple had flown out of his hand as he had grabbed his leg where Pan had bit it at. "You little-" Pan had got up and tried to get on the sail pole but Ace grabbed her by the stomach and started to tickle her. Pan screamed as she was being tickled to death while Ace held her tight so she couldn't get away.

"I-I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" Pan screamed out while being tickled to death and trying to pry Ace's hands off her.

"You sure?" Ace asked stopping. Pan had took some breaths and nodded her head while panting.

"You won't bite my leg again?" Ace said again getting ready to tickle just in case. "Yes just let me go!" Pan pleaded as Ace let her go and she had picked up her half eaten pear and had finished eating the pear. She had threw the core into the ocean and watched it sink into the unknown abiss of the dark and dargerous murky water.



"What if I had a devil fruit that controlled water?"

"That would be cool but you and me wouldn't be able to fight then, well more like you can't really hurt me"

"Water turns fire to steam so if anything, I can't do damage but I can block those fire attacks buddy" Pan had said as she had left her arm hang off the side of the dingy and let her hand touch the water as the little dingy swayed along with the rhythm of the sea.

"Yeah you can, but you can't keep me from tickling you?"

Pan had threw some water his face from her hand at Ace's head and yelled at him, "SHUT UP!"

Ace had rubbed his head as Pan had pouted and dug in his bag and looked for some more fruit to eat while they were going to who knows where.

"Wait so where are we going again?" Pan asked as she pulled out another pear to eat. "Alabasta. I heard that someone there said they had seen Blackbeard there in a place called Yuba" Ace said while getting back up to start driving again. Pan had just sat there and hummed as she had realized she needed his knife again.

That is till she noticed her fingers and nails looked like demon claws. She stared dumbfounded at first. "Oh yeah did you need anything els-"




[After screaming later as said in a spongebob narrator voice]

"WAH!" Pan cried out as she had rubbed her eyes to try and stop crying. Ace was panicking while her other hand or more like her fingers had turned into claws. Her fingers had a dark like mass around them and her nails were as sharp as claws.

'Great, now what do I do?' Ace thought to himself as he could only comfort the crying teenager.

"Hey...maybe try...calming down-"



Ace had tried telling her to calm but it never worked because she only cried worse. He had sighed and rubbed his temple to soothe his headache. He was crying inside his own mind. He didn't know what to do.

"Ok Pan!"

Pan had stopped crying and she just started to sniffle while staring at him.

"I need you to calm down...and breathe" Ace said while inhaling and exhaling to try and get her to calm down

She followed suit after he started doing it twice. He kept doing it with her while he hugged her until she calmed down to little heavy breathes. Ace had looked down at her and realized she had fallen asleep after what just happened.

'Alrighty then.'

Ace sighed as he had sat her down and started driving the dingy again. He would wake her when they got to Alabasta.

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