2. Moving into the Fire

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"Cooking demands attention, patience, and above all, a respect for the gifts of the earth. It is a form of worship, a way of giving thanks." - Judith B. Jones

Latalia's Point of View:

"Okay, that's the last box, girl." Cici says from the couch as she watches Mimi, Tanya and I bring in the last of my boxes. 

"You lucky you're pregnant." I say, smiling as I rub her belly. 

"Girl, I am excited you are finally here in the city, and you left that asshole behind." Tanya says as I sigh. 

"Can we not talk about Theo right about now; I have left that chapter of my life in Austin, and I am not going back." I say to them as I begin unpacking my boxes. I moved to New York City to start anew. 

After I caught him cheating on me with the waitress at my old restaurant, I knew it was time to leave a dead-end situation. Bad enough, the Executive Chef at the restaurant never wanted me to express my culinary pursuits, but then his daughter sleeps with my man, and I get reprimanded for stepping to her. 

"So, are you excited to be working at Cici's restaurant?" Mimi asked, and I smiled, knowing I would finally be able to explore my culinary talents. 

"It's not just my restaurant. My husband and his best friend are also owners. Fair warning girl Michael is a trip and does not like to share his kitchen." Cici says, and I sigh. 

"Why will you tell me to come if I am going to have a repeat of Dustin and his restaurant?" I asked her, and she shook her head.

"It won't be a repeat, Michael will let you shine Talia, but I won't lie he is not always easy to work with. His wife died two years ago, and he just has had a hard time dealing with it. Please consider giving him a chance. Once you get past his abrasive nature, he is actually quite sweet." Cici says, and I shake my head. 

"Okay, but does he know that I will be part owner and executive chef down at the restaurant?" I asked her.

"Yeah, we are telling him tonight at dinner which you are coming to, so make sure to unpack your bags." Cici says, and I sigh.

"But I start tomorrow. How are you going to just spring this on him like that?" I asked her.

"It was my husband's idea. He knows Michael much more than me, okay, and I trust his judgment. Besides, Michael knows better than to upset the pregnant lady, or he will get his ass kicked." Cici says, using her predicament to her advantage.

"Once you give birth, you got so much hell to pay for." I laugh jokingly.

"Eh, no one upsets a new mother with a newborn either. Maybe in a year or two, maybe." She says laughing.

"Okay, so where am I meeting you tonight?" I asked her as Mimi and Tanya got ready to leave and drive Cici back home.

"At my house, my husband is cooking, and it will be better. Michael doesn't like going into other people's restaurants, especially after Isadora died. You will also get to meet his precious daughter Paris." Cici says, and I nod.

"Okay, what time to be there?" I asked her.

"Around eight would be good, but seeing your current predicament, if you're late, just call me." She says as they all leave out, and I sigh, looking at all my boxes.

"You got your work cut out for you, Lia." I say to myself as I get started unpacking. By the time 5 p.m. came around, I was only halfway unpacked and scrambling to take a shower and find a decent outfit for tonight.

My cellphone rang as I was deciding between a pantsuit or a dress. As I am looking over at it, I see a number that makes me smile.

"Hello Mom, what's going on?" I say as I listen to my mother's sweet voice while deciding the best outfit.

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