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Sup Happy New Year People, I hope you enjoy this year.

No, I won't be alive for another two months. I just came back to thank you for 200 followers and this happened on New Year. So, it was double things for me to be happy about.

And I did promised, A fun chapter will be released in every 100 milestone reached until 1k. So, I hope you enjoy,

3rd Pov:-

A very dark place is seen as it is filled by lava in some places.

A big chair as some markings shining on his face or some would rather call it a mask

A big chair as some markings shining on his face or some would rather call it a mask

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"Sup" he said looking straight ahead at you,

"Isekai_guru or rather your tour guide, Author-san" I said as he just sits there for sometime before standing up

"I am sure some of you might be confused on what's happening, While those who read my previous fics and were little active on announcements know what's happening." I said as I disappeared

And we appeared on mountain,

Nothing was seen ahead of it, Sky shining in the colour of rainbow. A valley? No. No words were enough to describe this view.

I walk to edge and sat down,

"This place is where the gravity of Iruma-kun anime lies on, It is after all the place where we have seen the Demon King  first time and many theories took place in fans mind --" I said looking at you, But before another word could be said a person appeared behind him

"Who are you?" A question that is also a famous one among the question asked to entities that aren't supposed to exist there, I turn around to look at the person that is pretty much carrying this Tensura Fanfic, Without this person these fanfic would've been nothing.

Rimuru Tempest

A calm look on his face as he looked at me,

"Oo you can call me Isekai, I am just a 'Outsider'" I said looking at him, As he walks towards me,

"May I ask, what are you doing here" he asks looking ahead at the view

"Just celebrating, nothing much" I said looking ahead

"I see" he says

"Your name is weird y'know" Says Rimuru still looking ahead,

"In my old language it means 'Another World'" he says

"I know" I says

"You're from there" he asks looking at me

"Nope" I said

"T--" he got cut of as many ppl appeared behind us, Rimuru stood up as he looked,

Many ppl standing confused,

Iruma, Asmodeus, Clara, other from Welcome to the demon school Iruma kun, while from tensura Only black number stood ready to battle

Rimuru looks at me, as I gave him a wave before jumping from the edge and disappearing in the mist.



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