Fun Facts / Information

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This is just some extra fun information about this book and how it was made if you wanted to know more!

The Making Of The Book:

- I wanted the title of this book to have the word 'inciting' in it somehow to circle back to the first book. I decided to add on the bit about investigations because Birdy is investigating Tempest's dissapearence, lol. Hence the name 'Inciting Investigations'.

- The book cover was actually really easy to make. I just took a background and laid some red string all around it. Then I tore up little pieces of paper and wrote little messages on the papers, some of which were random and some that connected to the story. I actually want to see who would pay attention to those because it would be easier to figure the story out if you had with some of those little clues. Such as Sarah's name being in there and the words 'I'm leaving' foreshadowing Birdy going to Spain to look for Tempest. There's also a little tidbit about a phone number of one of the pieces of paper, connecting to the characters having to call Sarah to get crucial information. Also, my signature pen is in there, of course.

- I know that Birdy got a bit dark at times, but I wanted to make it realistic to how what happened with Cyrus would've continually affected her throughout time.

Original Characters and Facts About Them:

Sarah Hensen -

- She's really popular on Instagram, Tiktok, and Pintrest, but not really anywhere else. Mostly because she posts aesthetic stuff. But on TikTok, she mostly posts funny videos of her cat, Theo.

- She's acroace as well, I'm not sure she's realized yet, though.

- She's around 22 or so, really just early twenties in this book.

- She's a former theater kid.

- She works as an interior designer.

Finn Rodriguez -

- He is 13 in this book.

- He absolutely loves basketball.

- He used to play basketball on the girls' team at his school, but he didn't feel comfortable doing that after he came out. He wasn't allowed on the boys' team, so he has to drive an hour to a different town each week to play on a team that was made for trans teens.

- He's usually soft-spoken but will become very loud and opionated if you get him started on something he's passionate about.

- His favorite color is red.

Questions For You Guys:

- Who was your favorite character?

- Did you enjoy the book?

- What was your favorite part?

- Who was your least favorite character?

- What did you think of the Birdy, Juli, and Badger trio?

Final Words:

- Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm already done with this book. It feels like I've been working on this forever, and like I just started it yesterday. It's kind of unbelievable to look at my word count and see 45,000 there, but that's how it always feels, haha. I just hope that you all like this absolute weirdness of a book.

- I'll be honest with y'all, I didn't really love the ending. I hope that you guys did, but I just don't think it was the best that I've ever done with my writing. So someday I may end up coming back and editing through this a bit and changing some things, lol. But for now, this is it.

- This is just gonna be my writing schedule for the next little while, just so you guys know what's going on. For a little while, I'm gonna focus on one-shots. I'm prioritizing the orders that I've gotten from other people, but I also have some ideas that have been brewing in my own mind for some time that I'll be pumping out. After that, I'll be writing a Ride The Cyclone Six Minutes AU. RTC is a musical about dead kids, by the way. This won't take very long because it's only going to be around 10 chapters long, maybe even less. Finally, closer to that time, I'm going to present you guys with two choices of a book to choose for me to write next.

- With all of that of of the way. For the last time in this book...Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 01 ⏰

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