Chapter 2: Power Out

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"I've got a couple of roles here to fill and at a bit of a loss Barn. This job is turning out to be more than I had anticipated. The whole management structure has been gutted. Everyone jumped ship during the last administration," Wally grumbled into his phone. Jumped ship or were thrown into the Device, he thought, but didn't voice it to his friend on the phone. If he was going to bring any of his acquaintances in, then it would be best not to spring the grisly nature of the work on them up front. "Everything needs a manager or supervisor. When I took on the role I didn't think there would be so many gaps in the ranks. And not just sales or purchasing, but even the damn cafeteria needs a manager."

"Sounds like you got your work cut out for you Wall. I don't have a whole lotta advice to give, I could ask around and see if anyone is interested but--"

"Do you think Poppy would be interested in running the cafeteria? She likes to cook and there is no shortage of people here to help out."

"Poppy is afraid of using the stove in her own house," Barnaby reasoned. "I can't see her being comfortable surrounded by a whole room of industrial kitchen equipment, there would be more feathers than food."

"Eddie could probably do Shipping..."

Barnaby sighed over the phone line, his wit and humor was running dry. "Look Wall, I'm going to be frank with you."

"Oh please not Frank, I can't stand that pri--"

"Don't hire your friends Wally." Barnaby stated plainly.

"What?" Wally leaned up in his chair and adjusted his grip on his phone. "Why not? Who else can I trust? You would make a great assistant."

Another heavy sigh came from the phone. "Wall, would you be able to fire me?"

Wally grew silent.

"Would you be able to fire me if I messed something up so bad that there is no coming back from it? Or fire Poppy for not being able to cook enough food to feed everyone?"


"Its the same in show biz," Barnaby said offhandedly. "You pick the best person for the part. We all have our parts to play. Just because you want someone to be a good fit doesn't mean they are."

There was a bit of wisdom in that, Wally had to admit to himself. Before he could comment Barnaby spoke up again.

"Look kid, I'll ask around for ya. If they don't want to then maybe they know someone who does. Julie's got a big family, one of them has to know someone who knows somebody."

Wally felt his expression soften. "Thanks Barn."

"Don't mention it. New job, new you. I'm rootin for ya kid. Smell ya later."

The phone went silent and for a moment Wally sat in the comfortable quiet of his office letting Barnaby's words sink in. He had a feeling that the previous Factory Manager had done just that, reached out to all of her friends to fill in the gaps in management. And when the chips were down and deadlines were to be met, then friendships were broken. Ponies ended up in the Device. He also had to accept that he could not be the one to fill in these roles alone. He needed help. So perhaps his first task should be to find an assistant? No. He could always find a personal assistant later. For now he needed to fill the void in HR, and let that poor soul go through the process of finding talent. Once they passed that filter, then Wally could deal with the results.

But first, Coffee.

Wally reached for his mug. His four fingers had just closed around the handle when the lights in his office went out. The computer made a strange noise and went dark, and somewhere distantly at some far end quadrant of the Factory, there was a "boom" sound. A long moment in the dark passed, and Wally slowly let go of the mug and lifted his hands to his face, resting his cheeks on his palms before taking a deep calm breath...

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