Nothing! Because who would think to try to delve into a case like this. Sure, maybe when they thought that Cyrus was dead, the police and investigators had been understanding of her father’s constant push for the investigation to be continued and furthered, but that was no longer. Everyone assumed that just because her brother was back, it meant that everything was fine and dandy. Like nothing had ever even happened at all.

But it wasn’t! It never ever was, and she didn’t think it truly ever would be in her mind. But catching this guy and seeing him given the proper punishment for hurting her brother and absolutely tearing her family apart, that might help just a little tiny bit in her mind.

She knew that revenge and all that wasn’t good and all, but she couldn’t help herself from thinking those thoughts. They seemed so appealing whenever she had been crying, and now it sometimes seemed like it was the only possible way that she could fix things.

Birdy sighed and shook her head. It was time to read, not to have a pity party in her head.

Juneau, Alaska…Police Department Report


- Anders Case (Cyrus Latido de Corazon)

Detective On Case (Writing Report) - Dorinna Singh

The Anders Case is not the most peculiar thing that I’ve ever worked on, I must admit to that. I have been given a million files in the past that looked practically identical to this, and I must say I find it sad. Cyrus Latido de Corazon Anders was brutally murdered just two weeks before the date that I am writing this. His body was entirely mutilated. The current consensus is that it was most likely done with some sort of large knife. The body was solely able to be identified by taking some of the blood from it and testing it for DNA, which came back as a match for Cyrus. We are currently still investigating, though there is something of peculiarity that was brought up. His little sister, Birdy Chica Anders, said that he told her that he felt as though he was being watched in the weeks leading up to his disappearance, but that he brushed it off. It is doubtful that it was anyone from his school, though. He was not popular by any means but seemed to be in good grace with the majority of people in his environment. There were previous cases of bullying, but those were all…

Birdy remembered reading that one a million times, hoping to find something, anything, that could help her. Dorinna Singh had written many reports on her brother’s case, and that one just so happened to mention her in it, which only freaked her out a little bit.

Birdy continued to scan the reports that Ms. Singh, along with plenty of other detectives, had made. None of them seemed to be helping her at all, but she considered it a win as long as she was occupied and working. She really did not want to be left alone with her own thoughts for too long. Especially not then after looking at all this stuff about murder.

Birdy was about to give up when she noticed something that she hadn’t had before. She had looked at the document on her computer briefly before but hadn’t given it much thought because it didn’t seem to be significant to the case. But as she was just simply going through everything over and over again. She realized as the sun came out over the horizon, that there was something she had missed! She read the singular sentence over and over again.

…the disappearance of Cyrus Latido de Corazon Anders seems to be somehow connected to the disappearance of Jacob Richard Hensen…

Birdy had no idea what that name meant, but she knew that it meant something big.


Birdy ran through the halls without singular care to the numerous teachers who were screaming at her to slow down so that she didn’t injure anyone with her reckless actions. She really did not care at that point because she was just so absolutely elated right then.

For the first time in…she didn’t even know how long, she was smiling. Like, genuinely truly smiling for a good reason that was actually personal to her. She had thought that the possibility of that ever happening again was impossible for a little while there, but she guessed that the phrase ‘never say never’ might hold more weight then she had given it credit for when she was just a little kid. But that wasn’t important. What was important was the reason that she was ever so happy that morning. It was because of the night before.

She remembered the exact feeling of just pure and utter relief when she saw a name that she didn’t recognize at all on those papers. Over her time doing research for Cyrus and Tempest’s case, she had gotten accustomed to plenty of names. Dorinna Singh, just to name one. She had begun to identify their writing styles, how they identified themselves, and how they had contributed to the original Anders Case. She knew a lot about them.

However, Jacob Richard Hensen had never been a name that she had seen before, and he might somehow be connected to Tempest and Cyrus! Even if this just led to a complete dead end, she would still be grateful for it because at least it had boosted her morale.

Really, she had just been about to give up on the possibility of finding Tempest as a whole then this one name, this one random guy, shows up on the papers exactly when and where she needed it to keep her going. She considered it too lucky to be a coincidence for a moment there, but then she just accepted some good luck for once in her loving life on planet Earth.

Birdy breathed out a happy sigh of relief when she saw that Badger and Julian were just up ahead in the hallway. She never thought that she would ever in her entire life be joyous to see those two in her close proximity. But as of right then, they were business partners and nothing else. So, of course, she was happy to share good news with her business partners.

She couldn’t wait to tell them all about what she had found, even if it seemed like a tiny detail. Well, Julian and Badger had known at least some of the people around the place that Cyrus got kidnapped, so maybe it wasn’t such a tiny detail. Maybe they had known this Jacob guy!

She saw them turn the corner, but when she went around the same one, they were nowhere to be found. She deflated for a second but tried to remind herself that she could just tell them about it later when she went over to Badger’s house or when they came over to hers.

(Cryus's middle name (Latido de Corazon) is Spanish for heartbeat.

Hope you enjoyed it! Bye!)

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