3. Venus

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"So, wait," Pietro began, confusion on his face as he lay upside down on his hotel suite's velvet couch. He held the remote to the massive television, mindlessly flipping channels. "What do you need help with, again? You're going to a bake sale?"

"No," Peter said, swiping the remote from him, presumably to look for one of the twenty cooking shows he was addicted to. "She's going on a date to a bake sale."

Kate, previously gazing despondently at her outfit in the suite's 12 foot mirror, turned to face her disappointingly male bandmates. "I'm not going to a bake sale."

"Oh..." said the drummer, tightening his blue hood around his scruffy platinum hair. "Then what are we so worried about?"

Peter swatted his arm, replying, but Kate did not catch it. As usual, her attention was trained wholly on herself. Right now, the focus was her outfit, as even though this was a fake first date, she wanted to make a good impression. She would be around this girl for weeks, after all.

Kate was not nervous, per se, as nothing ever rattled her, but there was a sort of anxious excitement to the evening, exacerbated by the fact that she had never before been on a date, fake or otherwise. Being a bachelor, available and attainable, played well as a frontman in her four years of fame, and before that, in her one year of college and prep school in Brooklyn, she never met anyone interesting enough to set aside her dreams for. The guitarist was not completely apathetic toward love, and in fact she would quite like a muse of her own, for the girl she sang about to be hers, but it just had not happened. She was busy, as was everyone else in show business.

Kate sighed, focusing back on the mirror. The date was low stakes, just a casual outing to an art exhibit's opening night, but Kate struggled with an outfit. Her all black attire felt too casual, but she did not have much else. She recruited her bandmates for advice, hoping at least two of the three would be of help, as Peter was in a low-key, committed relationship with a girl back home, and Wanda was generally competent. Pietro was in the same boat as her, with his scruffy looks and carefree attitude making him a fan favorite and desirably single.

However, Peter was too distracted by college coursework and his own fatigue to be of much assistance, and Wanda had not yet arrived. It was peculiar, as she was usually the first to respond to SOS texts in the group.

"Pietro, where is she?" Kate grumbled, taking off her denim jacket in frustration.

Pietro yawned, checking his phone. "I'm not my sister's keeper, man."

Just then, the suite's door opened, and Wanda stalked in, annoyed as she peered above her sunglasses. "Oh my God, should I have hired a babysitter? What is the deal?"

"Wanda, I'm having a fashion crisis," Kate said, gesturing to her usual disheveled look of a sleeveless shirt and faded black pants.

Wanda's brow furrowed as she sat on the arm of the couch, stealing the remote from Peter. "I didn't know you had an event tonight."

"Neither did I, until this morning," Kate mumbled.

Pietro laughed, lunging to finally reclaim the remote from his sister. "She has a date with her new girlfriend."

Wanda stilled, eyes finding Kate's. "Oh?"

"It's fake, it's for PR. I'm in Tony's dog house after the Aurora Theater thing," Kate explained. "And this date is in an hour, so if someone could help me put together an outfit that doesn't look like it's for a mosh pit or a funeral, that would be great."

"I swear I have to do everything around here." The brunette rolled her eyes, standing, but Kate swore she saw a hint of joy in her face as she entered the suite's cavernous closet. "Boys, both of your clothes are in here, yeah?"

In Perfect Time  //  A Bishova Band AUWhere stories live. Discover now