(5) Undfefeatable

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Their voices faded in the chaos behind me, but the last thing I recalled hearing from them was the calling of animals. A bear, an ape, a wolf, a crane, a falcon, and a frog.

Ivan rotated his wrist, using the side of his sword to knock the staff from my hand. I kept my grip tight and swung in rotation with him so he couldn't do what he wanted. I kicked my foot up and tried to catch him in the side, but he caught my foot with his free hand and shoved it back.

In the same motion, Ivan swung his sword toward my head. He missed me by an inch when I snapped my head to the side, trying to dodge his blow. All I had to do was hold him off long enough for the others to take down Scorpitron and Hornitor. Then they could return from their zords and assist me down here. God knows I need it.

He swung his sword again, this time catching me in my right arm. The blade sliced against my skin, cutting it open deep enough to cause blood to trickle down my arm. It felt warm and thin as it slid down my arm towards my hand.

I gritted my teeth as I ignored the wound and charged right back at Ivan. With the staff placed in my left hand, I swung as hard as I could at his stomach. The staff collided with his chest instead, and all he did was laugh in my face. I twisted the staff in my head and caught him in the jaw this time.

He didn't like that movement too much. If I had used more strength, I could have hit him harder, but I had to be cautious of the blade at his side. The ground underneath us rumbled again, and I knew this time it was not from us. Scorpitron came sliding in our direction, and it didn't look like it was going to stop.

Ivan must have already seen it coming because when I turned to look at him, he was already rolling out of the way. I planted my feet on the ground, unsure of where to take cover. He was so large that I wasn't sure if I was going to get away from it. I wasn't even sure Ivan was going to.

Scorpitron is emitting a very loud frequency from him as his metal features scrape against the ground. I decide at that moment that if I'm going to get crushed by this metal piece of junk, then I'm taking Ivan with me.

I dive towards him, not caring if he uses this opportunity to impale me with the sword. At least I know we'd still be dying together. He's trying to get to a higher ground like it's going to stop his beast from plowing over us like an avalanche.

I grab him by his calf as he's trying to climb up the rubble of one of the fallen buildings. He stumbled when I yanked him back, but could easily break my grip and continue climbing. He's not smarter than I am, because I immediately see that the pile he is climbing on is being held up by a rod at the bottom. If I can remove the wedged rod, then he will come tumbling back down.

It takes more than a second or two to break the rod free, but I do it and the outcome isn't exactly what I thought it would be. Scorpitron landed just a few feet in front of us, getting back up and heading right back towards whoever was fighting him.

Ivan slumped down alright. Right on top of me, with some of the rubble falling heavily beside us. In the movement, Ivan dropped his sword. It was still close enough for him to grab in an instant, but he didn't bother, as he used this advantage.

His hands tightened around my throat. I knew the more I struggled, the more his hands would feel tighter around my neck. If I tried to break his grip, then I would only fight against myself. His hands remained in their position as he concentrated on something else. Since most of his body was to my side now and not holding any weight on me, I swung my feet up and could easily wrap them around his shoulders.

I used the weight of the rest of my body to reverse the stance we were in, hoping to pin him against the ground. As I tried to flip him underneath me, his fist collided with the side of my head—and it did not feel pleasant.

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