Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo

Start from the beginning

"What's that white stuff?" asked Gomamon.

"It's a field of snow!" said Mimi excitedly. "There's bound to be a ski resort nearby."

"Aw, man! This much worse than even I thought it was." said Joe.

"What now guys?" asked Sora as she stood next to Tai.

"I think we should keep going. We're not going to get anywhere by just sitting here." said Tai as Mimi, Palmon, Keiko, Renamon, T.K. and Patamon play in the snow.

"If we walk across the field in our sneakers, our toes will go numb." said Matt.

"It's impossible to continue!" yelled Joe.

"So what are we supposed to do. Just stand here like a bunch of dorks?" asked Tai. "We either go across the field we climb up that mountain."

"Wow there, wait a sec. I think there's a weird odor in the air." said Agumon as he sniffs the air.

"I do believe he's right." said Biyomon.

"What could it be?" asked Gabumon as Tai and Izzy start sniffing the air too.

"I don't know but it smells like..." Tai started to say, not sure what it is.

"Very familiar." said Izzy, looking in the direction of trees to see steam above them.

"It's steam." said Biyomon.

"He's right. But where's it coming from?" asked Matt.

"A big geyser!" exclaimed Joe, causing Mimi, Palmon, Keiko, Renamon, T.K. and Patamon to stop running in the snow.

"A hot spring!" they all shouted together.

"Yippee! Now I can take a bath!" shouted Mimi.

"And we can get warm!" shouted T.K. as they ran towards the steam. Once they arrived, they discovered they had a big problem.

"Uh oh, this water is much too hot." said Tai as they looked at the water.

"We'd be cooked if we jumped in this." said Tentomon.

"Yes, boiled." added Izzy.

"Well, there goes my big dreams of having a nice warm bath." said Mimi.

"But at least we're warm." said Keiko as she and Renamon rub their hands against the steam.

"Very warm." said Renamon, sighing in happiness.

"It looks so inviting." said Palmon.

"Inviting if you're a vegetable." said Matt.

"What's a little dirt compared to starving? We need to find something to eat and there's nothing in sight." said Joe, looking around.

"Oh, yes there is!" said T.K. as he sees something.

"What are you talking about? There's nothing but rocks and boiling water here." said Joe.

"Then what do you call that exactly?" asked Keiko as she pointed to what was in front of them, causing Joe to look over and see a stunning sight.

"Tell me I'm not imagining this." said Joe as his glasses slide down his face a bit.

"If you were, then someone should pinch you to make sure it's real." said Renamon.

"Yeah! It's for real!" shouted Tai as he puts a hand on Joe's shoulder.

"Oh come on, don't be ridiculous." said Joe. "What would a refrigerator be doing way out here?"

"Hey, where there's a fridge, there's grub." said Matt.

"No way! That's impossible!" shouted Joe.

"We won't know until we open it." said Sora.

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