First Day! Part: 1

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So...Sol! Wake up it's time for school!

I slowly open my eyes and look up at my brother Sou. Is it already morning? Sol yawns

Yes Father wants us to be ready in about ten minutes Sou says
In the corner of my eyes, I see Sean rushing to get ready it seems that Sou is all ready. I Slowly get up and start getting ready.

Ten minutes later

cubs come down! It's time for breakfast!

Sol and his brothers rush to the table. All of them rushed to eat. Mother: you all are to behave don't disgrace our family. All of us say yes mother. Sol thinks about what was the face she made when Uncle Juno died did she feel sadness? Sol shakes his dark thoughts away

Mother: your father won't be taking you to school today so Aziel will take you.

Sol thoughts: I can't believe that mother would have him bring us when he just got here but I can't say anything. Ì wï§h ï ¢ðµlÐ grðw µþ.

Mother: Aziel take them to school
Aziel: Yes Aliyah
Aziel: follow me cubs

The cubs follow Aziel out the house and starts heading to the school

Arrives at the School

Aziel: we are here

Aziel: I will be leaving now have a good first day
Aziel said that with a straight face and a curt nod before walking away his purple hair swaying in the wind.

Sol thought Aziel is a little weird.

Hello I just wanted to say thank you for reading this I didn't post for awhile because there were things going on. I know this is small but the next chapter will be longer. Again thank you for reading this :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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