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Alright, it's been about 20 to 30 minutes let's begin.

Sol, Sean, Sou first begin exercising
All of them panting tired from running a few laps around the village.

Sean started complaining about how this was too much for a small cub like him.

Sou said we have to be strong to protect our future mates.

Sol was thinking why would they want a mate so bad

Sol has an ominous feeling every time he hears the word mate.

It just makes him shiver.

Anyway back to training

Father told all of us to go hunting and each bring back an animal while also trying to conceal our presence.

Sean walked into the forest listening for the sound of footsteps and looking for small paw prints in the dirt and grass I started hiding in a bush looking at a squirrel. I have to hide my presence so I don't scare it off. I waited a long time until the squirrel started to let its guard down and I went straight for the neck to kill it quickly.

Sou hunted a pheasant first he hid somewhere where the pheasant wouldn't be able to see him concealing his presence but what he didn't see was a small twig which ended up frightening it and it ran away.

Sou oh come on now I have to look for new prey.
I have to find prey quickly I don't want to deal with Father's temper. Just thinking about it makes me shudder.
Alright, maybe I can try catching a fish!
I got in the water and waited for the perfect time to strike and I finally caught some prey.

So I was shedding tears of joy and could finally rest in peace.

Sol, I despise this dreadful forest so much it just makes me feel utterly hopeless but I must push through and find prey.

I found a rabbit.
While looking at the rabbit it reminded me of myself and how I was just a weakling.

I need to get stronger to protect the people I care about.

Although the one I cared about the most is gone now I hope that he will be happy with the beast lord.

I know what Uncle Juno was thinking I'm certain he would be happy that I'm alive and I'm also certain he would want to see me happy.

Sol finally got out of his deep thoughts and heard a noise. His ears started twitching and he walked and stood behind a tree thinking of his next moves while also concealing his presence. I have to be patient to not scare off the rabbits they are a species that are fast and agile.

The rabbit started chewing on the grass and suddenly it was lifeless with Sol digging his fangs into the rabbit.

All of them returned seeing their father waiting for them to present their catch.

Sean presented a squirrel looking for praise for his father. Father said it looked like he went for the instant kill.

father praised Sean for being able to catch a squirrel.

Next was Sou he was anxious because he caught a fish that wasn't even medium-sized.

Father said we will work on your animal hunting to make it better.

Last but not least was Sol with his rabbit, Father said it was a good size and did good with the instant kill also.

Father said good work to everyone and they returned home.

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