"You know... I have just the thing," Gaster said digging through his item space, he had a lot of things he'd meant to throw out. Too much he had no use for, well now he was glad he had not.

"What do you think flower?" he asked, carefully placing the hat on them and pulling a mirror out in front of them.

An amazed expression covered the child's face, eyes widening taking in the dark Blue Wide Brim Organza Sun Hat. It was frilly and had flowers, it was also see through.

It was silly to Gaster, but the child loved the too big hat.

Enough to stop touching their skull, well either way sooner or later the child would develop their personality again and stop using it.

"I'm glad you like it. It suits you well." Gaster grinned at the happy sounds the child made, already planning to find more hats in the future if they could garner such a reaction.

He had to say, it was rather cute the fascination the babybones had with the hat, amused how they stared at their reflection in utter joy his soul ached in remembrance of doing something similar with his family in the past . 

The child chirped and threw up their hands happily, squeaking in shock as sparks of magic exploded like a mini firework.

"Its okay, it's just magic," Gaster soothed the child, seeing their coming panic.

Looks like they didn't remember their magic, maybe a low magic AU they came from?

Gaster had so many questions but he wouldn't push for now, gently coaxing the purple magic from the child to settle down.

He clicked his fingers, showing his own magic which was a rather deep purple it had changed so much and he sometimes missed how it used to be .

"See? Nothing to worry about, little flower." He smiled and let the child examine his hand, showing there was no damage from the magic.

"No, you don't eat it!" Gaster laughed, as the child put their mouth around his finger where a spark of magic remained and tried to eat it.

He got an especially grumpy look at the laugh, and a quite a pout as he was forced to release Gasters finger.

"You are rather energetic, aren't you little flower?" Gaster was pleased his magic had actually helped to heal them, wondering if they would be up for trying to walk yet.

"Flawer?" Came the confused mangled speech of the babybones.

Gasters grin widened at hearing them speak, using his magic to form the shape of an echo flower.

"A flower is a plant that usually grows on the ground and can smell nice and have pretty coloured petals." He hoped that was simple enough, sometimes struggling to know when he shared too much Sans always complained he could get too technical.  

He saw they were still confused and had a sudden light bulb moment, bringing out another hat, showing off the fabric flower on it.

"Like this. There are many types of flowers out there. Maybe one day you will see them all." He said softly, the babybones cautiously touching the new hat and letting out happy noises at it.

It was so pretty, they reached out and played with the fabric flower.

Gaster watched on in amusement but his mind was already running though many ideas on the little ones future treatment plan.  He was cataloguing their responses and reactions, discreetly measuring their magic but froze when he had a sudden realisation.

He was growing attached, unsure if that was a bad or good thing he broke everything he touched..but perhaps it may be different this time..?

Then, the broken child looked up at him and smiled and Gaster knew this child was his.

"Let's get you some food, little flower. I believe it's nearly lunchtime." Gasters soul melted at the sheer trust on the little face, carefully lifting the small child into his arms and making sure to adjust the blue hat on their skull.

He might not have expected to become a parent today but he couldn't say he regretted it, smiling indulgently when the babybones lit up when they left the bedroom.

He expected life to be a lot more interesting now but he would never forget what he did in the past, no matter how many years passed.


Gaster: I have no clue. I'm going to be a horrible parent

Echo: *Stares up at his trustfully*

Gaster: Dibs! I mean this is my child

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