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As Carly discovered Freddie in the eerie silence of the abandoned house, she felt a mix of relief and concern. With trembling hands, she dialed for an ambulance, desperately waiting for help to arrive and unveil the mystery behind Freddie's disappearance.

Carly whispered, her voice filled with a mix of fear and determination, "Hang in there, babe. Stay with me." She cradled Freddie's head gently, trying to anchor him in the present as he drifted in and out of consciousness, waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

With urgency in her voice, Carly dialed the numbers, calling for the ambulance. "We need help. Please, hurry," she pleaded, her eyes never leaving Freddie as she anxiously awaited the arrival of the paramedics.

Carly's hands trembled as she spoke to the dispatcher, panic evident in her voice.

Carly: "Hello, my boyfriend is weak, and I need help, please. I can't lose him."

Dispatcher: "I understand. I'm here to help. Can you tell me your location?"

Carly: "We're in an abandoned house on Maple Street. Please hurry, he's fading in and out of consciousness."

Dispatcher: "Help is on the way, Carly. In the meantime, is he breathing? Can you check his pulse?"

Carly: "Yes, he's breathing, but his pulse is weak. What do I do?"

Dispatcher: "Stay with him. Keep talking to him and try to keep him conscious. If he deteriorates, let me know immediately."

Carly: "Okay, okay. Please, tell them to hurry."

Dispatcher: "They're on their way. Help will be there as soon as possible. Stay on the line with me."

Carly: "I can't thank you enough. Please, just make sure they get here quickly."

Dispatcher: "I'll do my best, Carly. Stay strong, help is on the way."

Carly, holding onto Freddie's fading consciousness, spoke with urgency and emotion.

Carly: "Come on, babe. Grace and I need you. You can't give up on us now."

Freddie, weakly responding: "Carly? Where... where am I?"

Carly: "We're in an abandoned house. But don't worry about that right now. Just focus on staying with us."

Freddie: "I feel so... so weak."

Carly: "I know, but you're not alone. I'm here with you. We need you, Freddie."

Freddie: "Grace? Is she okay?"

Carly: "She's worried about you, just like I am. We're a team, and we need you to fight through this."

Freddie, whispering: "I'm trying, Carly. It's hard."

Carly: "I know it is, but you're stronger than you think. Remember all the challenges we faced together? This is just another hurdle."

Freddie: "I don't want to let you and Grace down."

Carly: "You're not letting anyone down. We're in this together. Keep fighting, Freddie. Help is on the way, and we'll get through this."

Freddie: "I'll try, Carly. I'll try for you and Grace."

Carly: "That's all we ask. Stay with us, Freddie. We love you."

Freddie, weakly smiling: "Love you too, Carly."

Carly, with a mixture of worry and determination, spoke to Freddie, who was still struggling.

Carly: "Come on, babe. Grace and I need you. She's in my stomach, and we both need you to stay strong."

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