A 'Simple' Game Part III

Start from the beginning

“Surprise! You haven't got the time to meet! This is my adorable friend! Take care of it until I’m back online! Now-”

And it ended, part of it being ripped off.

“...Friend?” He looked at the room, seeing something hiding behind a chair, a square one. “...Well, your friend sure knows how to give an introduction.” He groaned as he put the paper away and made his way to the chair.

The ‘friend’ hid behind even more.

“H-Hey there.” Ellis awkwardly spoke. “I…don't know if she said anything but I’m Ellis. The new night guard-”


It hiss at him. (‘Okay. Not good.’) He scratched his head. “I…guess you don't have an opinion on me now, huh?”


“...Alright .” Ellis sighs as he sits down. “Look, I was told about the previous guards, so I understand your…suspicion over me. But right now, I am doing a…favor for the girls and they need certain items to wake up.” It seems to make some reaction as it slowly peeks at the side, showing a bit of pink. “And…I think you are what will wake Chiku up. I need to collect one more item and you are holding the location to it…So, can you please give that to me?”


It finally moved out of the chair, revealing to be a small pink cupcake with eyes and a fake candle on the top, and the missing part of the letter stuck in it.

“Hello there.” Ellis greeted, glad that it showed itself (and ignoring that it was a Cupcake). “I…see the missing part on your candle.” He pointed at it, making the cupcake look up. “Let me just look at it quickly, okay?”

“Hiss~” The cupcake hissed, narrowing its eyes as it hopped close enough to him and showed the last piece of paper.

“...go to the Party Room #5.”

(‘Party Room five.’) Ellis made a mental note as he stood up, holding his stomach. “Good. Just one more to go.” He looked at the cupcake. “Listen, Chiku asks that I bring all the items back in one go. You can follow me until I get the last item, or you can go back to Parts and Services to be with her.” 

The cupcake raised its eyebrow in confusion. “Hisss~”

Ellis could feel it asking his choice of words. “I know what I said. I rather have you come willingly than forcefully. If you don't want to, at least I will know that you will be somewhere safe.” He began to move past him. “Later.”

He began to exit, and it was when he left to the side that he felt it going right behind him.


(Party Room #5)


Peeking inside, Ellis reached the room. Inside was a decorated party room with three tables to hold at least ten people in it. A small stage where it seems that any of the girls will be on stage to sing.

“Okay. Here I am.” Ellis said to himself as he looked back, seeing the cupcake peeking around a corner before quickly hiding away. “Let's end this.” Walking inside, he saw the last note addressed to him on the first table. He quickly grabbed it and read it.

“Welcome to the final game! If you made it this far, we thank you for playing this selfish game of ours.”

(‘...I’ll talk about this later.’) 

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