Dazai's Secret ( Chapter 2 )

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Pov Chuuya :
I was a bit impressed that he got all of this in such a short amount of time, but of course i would never say that to his face. His ego was big enough. I looked over the rest of the document. It was a good ability if you know how to use it.
„ So did Mori~san wanted that we do something about him or not? “

It was a question i heard a lot in the past, it was weird hearing it again.

„ Your not working in the Mafia anymore Dazai, but yes the Boss wanted us to eliminate him.“„Hah i was right, let's go get it done chibi“
He is still acting like in the Mafia but his facial expression are different. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. „Fine let's go, it's not like Boss would accept anything else.“

„Kunikida me and Chuuya need to go out, i need to get something for the research of the new enemy.“ Dazai said it so simple, like it was normal for him to lie to the agency. Something about this doesn't seem right to me. First he agrees to go to the mission from his old boss while he is in the agency and second why is it so easy to lie to them for him. It is like he is not happy at all or trusting any if them and he is still so much like when he was in the Port Mafia. It doesn't sit right with me.

We were walking to his apartment. I think he wants to track the enemy down. I mean i understand that you don't want to track a victim that you will kill in your workplace computer. The rest of the way was quite not like we need to talk about anything. As we were walking in his apartment was it surprisingly clean and organized, i was expecting a messy apartment. Then we were going into a dark room, when Dazai turned on the light switch i saw a pretty small room with a desk and a hand full of monitors. It was creepy like he was a stalker or something.

„ What are you a stalker or so?“„Haha no, Mori~san wanted me to get a whole set up for research purposes and i never selled it all because of the detective work.“„So how long does it take to track him down?“„ I don't know maybe ten to fifteen minutes, not to long he shouldn't be able to hide with the set up i have.“„ Good i go make some coffee and food.“

So i went to make some coffee, the coffee didn't take long so i brought it to Dazai who had changed out of his coat and was looking really concentrated. To admit it he didn't look bad right now.
I placed the coffee mug on the desk and saw a handful of papers that didn't look like something the ada would be investigating, but i paid it no mind. When i went back in the kitchen i made a simple sandwich for Dazai and me. In the office i handed Dazai his sandwich and sat on the other chair.
Why did he have another chair in his office? Whatever

„Got it, let's go chibi“ he said in his cheerful voice. „ Don't you need like a weapon or something?“ after i said that Dazai opened a drawer on his desk. I was surprised to see how many different Weapons were in there.„Just let me get an old coat or jacket“ he walked out of the room and came with a simple black jacket back, it was strange seeing him in black. „Fine let's go now we need to be fast or the agency will ask questions.“ i said a bit annoyed. “my my chibi i could always say we ran into a beautiful women that i asked to do a double suicide with me or that i tried a new method of suicide from my book.“
So he is still a suicidal maniac.

We were on the way to a forest, Dazai said there should be an abandoned hut somewhere in the forest. Why do all small criminals need to life in some abandoned places or buildings, like just life in an apartment or something it is way less suspicious. As we were continuing to walk in the forest, we saw a small hut in the distance. So i looked at Dazai to see if he has a plan and of course that bastard already has a plan, when does he have the time to think about something like that.

We were walking to the door and knocked. The man who opened the door locked shocked to see people in front his hideout.

„Hello are you Murasaki Shikibu?“ „Ah yes what do i owne the pleasure of your visit?“ „ My friend and i heard about your fascinating stories and wanted to know if we could come in and hear one of your stories, if that is possible?“ why is that smug littel bastard so good at lying? „Ah a fan of stories i see, well then come in come in, if i would have known i would have guests, i would have made it a bit more comfortable.“
As we were walking in the hut, sat  Shikibu on a chair at the desk. Dazai was going behind him and held him my knife at his throat. Wait hold on when did that mackerel stole my knife. “ Hey you bastard give me my knife back!“ „Not now you slug, i need it right now.“

„So Skikibu, why don't you tell us what you're planning one doing with your ability in the future, it would really interest me since you are stealing quiet a lot of stuff?“„ I didn't offend any of you have i?“ „No no but your give both the Armed Detective Agency and the Port Mafia quite a lot of work and we don't like extra work, so you better tell us were the stolen goods are or were going to get it out of you.“ I was leaning at a wall and just watched how scared he looked because of Dazai, if you think about it he is a real coward for using other people to steal for him.

„Okay i tell you but please don't kill me“ He was on the verge of tears it was funny to watch him so scared. „There are in the closet and the nightstand beside the bed.“ After he finished the sentence i started looking and he was telling the truth, there were bags full of money and jewelry in both of the furniture items. „ He is telling the truth, it is all here.“ „ Well to bad that he is still going to die.“  the man wanted to start talking but Dazai slit his throat before a sound came out. The blood splashed every where, there was blood on Dazai's face, his jacket and also in his hair. As he let the body fall on the table a puddle of blood formed, it was running of the table and into the floor.

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