Chapter 13

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We, went to my one of the favourite restaurants of the town. It was a bit away from where I lived but then that's what we wanted to spend as much time together as possible. I smiled and Taehyung made sure to keep me close, like a gentleman.

We sat on an empty place near the window. The best part of this restaurant was also that it has a very sophisticated feel, just how I like.

“So, you have a holiday today?" He asked me, well it was a week day and normally I should be having classes but I took a holiday to enjoy sometime. Because being an assassin I don't have any specific off day. I nodded my head and he smiled back at me ordering food for us.

When the food was not yet on our tables, I could feel someone's stares on me. While being a girl I can anyways feel stares on top of that now it works like an instinct for me.

I looked a bit around and I was right a man in his early 30s was checking me out, it was clear from the way he was looking at me. On getting caught he smirked. Hah! Idiot.

Taehyung seemed to notice me and he too looked back as soon as he turned, that man looked away. Scaredy Cat!

"Y/n, if you feel uncomfortable we can change seats." Taehyung said but I just said no smiling. He smiled back. If I wanted to I could have taken that man down then and there, but I hate being the centre of attraction.

We kept on eating our food while Taehyung kept saying a few stuffs about himself and so did I, trying to know each other as much as possible. However that man's eyes never moved away from me, and I know that.

"Tae, I am going to the washroom. Be right back!" I said and he nodded smiling and I went towards the washroom. I suddenly heard the door getting closed and I turned to find the same man.

He was wearing a black jacket, his head covered with a cap and a mask on his face which was not there before.

He smirked and even through the mask I could understand that.

"Aww babygirl are you scared, don't worry at all. Your body it's so fuckimg hot, I would love to have you with quality time, but I am afraid I don't have that much time. So co-operate and I will leave you soon, you won't even feel the pain." He said coming near me.

Gosh! These men can be so stupid sometimes. I laughed at him and he confusedly looked at me.

"Oh dear you must be thinking, I will scream and you will choke hold me, not letting me scream. I will warn you about my boyfriend blah blah blah!! Too boring, I am Min Y/n and I don't like boring things in my life." I said closing some more distance between us looking straight into his eyes.

He smiled thinking I was giving in by myself as he covered the little bit distance that was left.

Wrong step!

I stepped harshly on his foot by my heels, it pierced through the leather of the shoe and stuck on his feet making him bleed and scream at the top of his lungs for his life.

I held him by a fistful of his hair and thrashed on the sink making his head bleed quite immediately as he fell down. Maybe unconscious? Or dead? Anyways who said I would give a damn.

I quickly opened the door and yeah I hate it but I was the centre of attraction because the loud scream went outside the washroom.

Everything happened so quick that it took everyone some time to realise. I was suddenly pulled into a tight hug by someone and it was Taehyung.

"Are you okay? What was that noise about?" He asked worriedly pulling out of the hug.

I was about to say something but someone else screamed, now all eyes were on that person.

"There's a person lying there!!" He stated and Taehyung looked at me with widened eyes.

"I am not at fault okay. He was there to force himself on me, I just gave him the taste of his own medicine." I said the truth and everyone gasped. Next minute sirens were heard, cops.

Taehyung immediately took a defense position when the cops were about to ask me questions. Which I found cute.

"What happened here?" Taehyung was about to say something but I cut him in the middle.

"It was me, self defense. He was trying to force himself on me so I had to protect myself." The cop's face turned 'O' specially after he saw the way I had beaten him.

Well compared to a normal girl's self defense not a lot of force was used, it was more of tactics. The cop had some suspicions but anyhow let us go saying we might be called for investigation after he comes back to senses. Taehyung went out holding me closer than before.

"Relax Tae, nothing happened to me." I stated seeing him quite nervous.

"No it's just, I should be there to protect you. I feel useless." He said turning the steering wheel, but this frustrated look on him while driving the car made him look sexier.

"Come on, where is it written a man always needs to be there to protect the women? I know how to protect myself."

"It's not about that, don't think I am underestimating you because you are a girl or something, it's because being your boyfriend that's my duty. Duty to protect you from all problems. That's a way to show my love towards you and not to diminish you." I was flattered by his words.

Well why not, he was not out there giving me a lecture about why I was alone or that I am a girl I am weak etcetera, instead he clearly stated it's his way of showing love.

He is really different from others and I couldn't help but to blush, while my heart fluttered looking at him.

Sorry for not updating this book but it hardly gets votes or comments so it's kinda turn off for me as I don't understand you guys are liking or not. Anyways I will try to be a bit more regular with this book as well.

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