The Right Eye

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Origin-South Korea

In the city of Daegu,there was a girl named Seiri. Seiri had blindness in her right eye. The doctors had said that it was permanent blindness and can never be cured.

Though one day, Seiri got a phone call from the hospital saying that there was a doctor who could cure her eye with a simple cornea transplant surgery. Seiri and her family were tooken aback. They were highly contented by the news.

Days passed, it was the day that was gonna change Seiri's life. Everything that she wished for was gonna be true.

The surgery was successfully completed. Seiri got her eyesight, she could finally see with her both eyes. This was a euphoric feeling Seiri had never experienced before. But only if she knew what the consequences were.

Weeks went by, Seiri started acting weird.She didn't leave her home or go to work. She completely isolated herself. The sudden change of mood surprised her parents. As days went by, they were more and more worried about their child.

One day, thay decided to visit her, ask her how she's doing, ask her what was going on. But the sight they saw when they opened the door shook them to core. They were petrified. It was their daughter, laying in her own puddle of blood. With a big red wound on her pale wrist. She had tooken her own life.

Seiri's mother stepped back, not believing what she's seeing. They informed the police who later confirmed that she died more than a week ago. The mirrors in the house were all somehow shattered.

They searched her house, nothing was found except a white journal. They opened it revealing what was inside. The creepy thing was, it was not a normal stanza or paragraph written in it.

All that filled the pages were

My right eye is staring at me.

My right eye is staring at me.

My right eye is staring at me.


Creepy right? Be cautious everyone.Your eyes could be staring at you. Especially the prominent one🤭. Don't forget to vote..

Word count:351
That's shooort ass dude.

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