Chapter 13. Bonds

Start from the beginning

"And I love you, cub."

We sit in conformable silence for a while until the strength of Udyr's bear scent begins to irritate Kyra and I slip off his lap with a sigh.

"I really need a shower and something to eat. I kind of rushed it when I woke up this morning with this thing on my neck. I've been on the go every since." I wave at the mark I have yet to see but can feel warm and settling under my skin.

Udyr nods.

"Why don't you freshen up, and when you are ready come down for dinner."

"Yeah, that sounds like a solid plan." 

I sigh and sink onto the end of my bed as the door closes behind Udyr.

Flopping backward with a small bounce I stare at the faded glowing star stickers on my ceiling. Jensen put them up when I was six and still afraid of the dark, I remember with a sad smile.

I count them, knowing already there are fifty-two, any task right now is decidedly better than the one I should be doing.

How can I even make this decision and choose between the only family I know and love, and the one I know with every instinct screaming inside me, is the one I belong to?

Kyra moves inside me with a restlessness that has only increased since we returned home. I know she is unhappy. So am I but for a different reason.

I rub the center of my chest as it begins to burn with a strange heat spreading across my chest and under my skin. I feel a sudden sense of deep longing which causes an unexpected whine to break from my throat.

Kyra? I test my newfound ability to speak to my wolf, still surprised when she replies.

Mate, sad. She says. It takes me a moment to realize she's talking about Viggo.

What do you mean he's sad? I ask but almost immediately know the answer. It burns again inside my chest. The mate bond seems to be growing stronger with every passing minute. Instinctively I know this is Viggo.

A light breeze billows the curtains drawing my attention as Viggo's hot smokey scent wafts through my room.

I cannot stop how it calls me and find myself being pulled to look outside.

It doesn't even surprise me to see him there. My eyes find him with ease in the shadows of the treeline staring up at me.

I suck in a sharp breath. 

Damn, Viggo is hot bananas. I'm seriously pissed that I ended up with a mate who looks like the Gods decided perfection was the order of the day when they were making Lycans. Maybe they should have spent less time on his impressive physique and more time on his overbearing personality. I think with irritation staring at the beautiful male in my yard.

His hands tucked firmly in the pockets of his pants he should look completely out of place in his expensive suit and shoes with the dark and wild woodlands surrounding him, but the aura and power rolling off him leaves no doubt Viggo feels no discomfort whatsoever. He has planted himself exactly where he wants to be.

His eyes glow bright gold in the dim forest light and the wind carries not just his scent, but a low whine up to me.

Again my chest burns and as I reach up to rub it so does Viggo.

I freeze in place as he takes one step forward and morphs with the most beautiful shift I have ever seen.

Almost without sound, Viggo's large muscular body enlarges and shreds his clothes into pieces around him. In almost a blink of an eye his lycan fully forms standing proudly on two hind legs, his arms long and ending in finger-like claws. Thick black fur shines in the streaks of light flitting through the canopy and my fingers itch wondering if it is as soft as it looks.

Kyra leaps into my eyes, I feel her pressing forward with a hungry eagerness to go down into the woods and meet this majestic Lycan herself.

Kyros. She whispers in my head, and the longing I hear makes my heart ache. She whines again and the ache grows stronger as the Lycan in the woods responds with a whine of his own.

Kyros? I ask Kyra, confused.

Kyros, mate. Kyra answers just as the lycan below raises his massive head and releases another louder coaxing whine that causes an agonizing ache in my chest.

I have no idea where I find the strength to push myself away from the window, but I stumble away and across the room punching my chest with my fist.

Kyra, please stop. I beg.

Go, Kyros. She pleads in return and tears roll down my cheeks.

How can I deny her? Kyra has protected me all these years and has never asked a single thing of me.

Wiping my tears I head for the shower, stripping and avoiding the mirror and the evidence of Viggo's claim.

It's impossible though to not touch it as I soap, and I bite my lip every time the loofah skims the mark, causing bursts of heat to flash under my skin and throb between my legs.

The problem I realize is that anger and lust are two sides of the same coin and the burning sensation in my chest slips like lead boots into my crotch.

I bite my lip and close my eyes breathing hard.

It's ridiculous how easily every detail of Viggo's wickedly handsome face forms in my mind. From the brilliance of his golden eyes to his sharp high cheekbones, strong jawline, and lips that are surprisingly full for a male.

The center of my chest burns again, this time with a darker heat that makes my blood boil. I've only ever felt like this on the odd exploration of websites I shouldn't visit. I feel just as horny and dirty when I give in to the pulsating ache and let my hand slip between my folds to caress my throbbing clit.

I moan as my fingers build me up with a primal, raw, lust burning inside me. My mind is on a one-track mission as I lose myself to all thought except the relief I desperately need and in seconds I come with Viggo's name a breathy whisper on my lips.

Gasping for air, my legs trembling, my skin tingling, I blush with familiar post-masturbatory embarrassment and rush out of the shower, cursing.

Anger and disbelief swell in my belly, as I realize my crazy yo-yo emotions can only be Viggo's doing.

"Fucking mate bond." I curse. Without a doubt, Viggo is manipulating the bond between us.

"Fucktard." I swear loudly in the room, hoping his stupid Lycan hears me.

For good measure, I stomp to the window clutching my towel around me to glare outside.

The backyard and forest are empty as I scan the treeline but I have no doubt he is out there somewhere.

"I know what you're doing Viggo and it's not working!" I shout into the trees.

The responding silence mocks me and the ache still throbbing between my thighs calls me the liar I am.


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