White Girls Crazy Ass Love/Life as Directioner

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Winters leaving and springs coming forward. New loves blossom and your heart grows for someone new. I'm just a freshman, newcomer to the high school and not so popular. My names Amy, I don't have many friends but just enough to be happy with. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a directioner and no one likes us because we're annoying shitheads. Anyways here's my love story.

Morning before 1st period classes:

Me and my friends would meet up by the lockers and talk about the latest OneDirection news. I honestly loved them and there's three of them; Chelsea, Allie, and Katelynn. These girls understand me and they all have the most different personality's

Katelynn-  Loud ass nigga (shes white) who doesn't keep her mouth shut. She likes to cause trouble in classrooms

Allie- Best friend since 7th grade, she's kind of like a second mini-me 

Chelsea- Innocent, sweet, who can somewhat tolerate us in school but acts like a complete psychopath out of school

Anyways, there was always this girl Jazzy who used to follow me and Allie around because everyone disliked her for some reason so she is kind of like the fourth wheel in our friendship but we still enjoy her presence.

Bell Rings (1st Period Global)

Me and Allie have the same 1st period class together called Global. Our teachers bald and we have a thing for making fun of bald people. Anyways shes always next to me in class and whenever we walk in we'll call the other students gobsnotchs or peasants. Honestly they are fucking annoying as shit, everyone in my school is plastic, sluts, hoes, dirtbags, douchebags, and the guys are ugly as fuck. No offense.

Anyways I probably sound like a bitch writing this but we can all agree this is true in everyschool. So keep reading if you feel the same way.So our lesson goes on and I don't even know how I pass this class with high 90s or high 80s. Idk maybe the teachers on drugs.

Bells Rings (2nd Period Gym and Bio 3rd Period)

So I have to walk all the way across the building without Allie and honestly I about shoot myself everyday. A bunch of annoying cunts are always in my way on the way to class and I'm always like BEEP BEEP MOTHA FUCKAS! Literally, It's some traffic jam, it's getting to class and getting fucking done with the day and I'd rather not have tardyness on my report, I'm kind of a goody two shoe.

Anyways I get to Gym and change in the locker room. Did I mention my locker is rusty as shit so it doesn't work obvi and I have to bring a gym bag to class every other day. Theres very little people I like in my gym class and luckily theres nice not bitchy girls that I can tolerate but theres these loser ass guys who will fucking kill everyone in the school one day. I swear. I have to be on their good side of they will shoot me one day because they scare the hell shit out of me.

I head to my Gym spot and theres this boy next to me. He's white maybe albino and has like bleach blonde hair. I didn't think much of him. Actually I barely even know this kid, I didn't really think of him much but now he's like on my mind all day but that's later on in this story. So I go about my day and head to Biology Class.

I have this teacher who talks like she has a stick up her ass and I can't take it. She has like a high pitched Brooklyn voice and I almost about throw a rock at her so she passes the hell out. Everyone in my class hates her to the point of firing her and trust us, we've attempted to fire her tons of times. No one listens to her white ass because she's really dumb and annoying as hell, I have her annoying as video on recording... I'll have to show you one day. Well every test paper I get back from her is like a 47 but I'm still passing with a 70 or above (Thank the lawd)

4th Period Lunch (9:50-10:30)

Ok so It's lunch and I have to walk in the hallway with this woman abuser guy I call Dan and he scares the hell outta me. If I don't give him help on a homework assignment he will yell the shit outta me. Ya, and he's liked all my closest friends and is a stuck up example of a guy you don't want to date. Anyways, he likes to give me hugs and put his arm around me and I snap at him like it's his momma whipping his ass. I hate guys who try to think they're more powerful than the women and think they can control him. Well he leaves and I see this look alike Liam Payne that looks exactly like like Liam but surprisingly way hotter. Gosh, he's so damn hot but he's a senior.

I get to our lunch table and I meet up with my hoes Allie, Chelsea, and Katelynn. Let me tell you about our lunch period, it's to freaking early in the morning to be chowing down on some cold ass microwaved pizza and stuff but besides that point.... we are the most childish shit heads in our lunch and we keep that as a reputation.

We go on our ways of yelling in the cafeteria, throwing food at other tables and having rude smirks directed at us for our rude behavior. But whatever it's our life and we're living the fullest 

Skipping 5th, 6th, and 7th Period and going onto 8th Period

Ok so it's 8th period and me and my friend Allie do Latin II and our teacher is the defintiion of abnormal. In 7th grade she would swat around bees and talk to them and we all thought "The hell is this woman doing." Continuing on... Grammar sucks as hell so if you plan on going into Latin, rethink because It's the shittiest language ever but my Latin Class is full of Mostly sophomores and freshman with some juniors. But we're a big family and we'll all complain about how we hate grammar and we just relate because our whole class is full of low class losers. They're some pretty hot guys in my latin class though so I'm not complaining. But our teacher exaggerates her words when she tells us Roman stories and she literally collects roman statues and all that shit. BTW her husband thinks she needs to be on meds.

Also usually I'm video chatting my best friend that's British on Skype since he gets home from class due to different time patterns. He laughs at how fucking physco she talks.

Going onto 9th period and after school

Ok so this is Geometry. I have class with Jazzy, Chelsea and Allie in this. Our teacher looks like he's 22 but apparently hes 30 or some shit but he's not attractive, he looks gay. Even talks gay, nothings wrong with gay because I ship Larry of course and Niam but like I'm just stating this. He looks like he's always having panic attacks but this class goes by quick and he's the teacher that makes you work to the last second of the bell ring (annoying I know). 

Bell Rings and I'm hella outa school

Allies mom always drives me home from school so thankfully I don't have to take the bus home with a bunch of mixed highschoolers and middle schoolers. Also they're always doing weed and I swear I'm getting high with them because it's some powerful shit.

Anyways I get home and head right to my computer but of course my mom tells me to do my chores and like it's soooo annoying because I'mma lazzy ass white girl. Well I go up to my room and do my daily tweeting while getting hate from tons of swifters because they are annoying shitheads that hate on me because I tweet some bad shit about her #sorrynotsorry.

Well I mean now this story is getting kind of boring but trust me it's gonna get better when I write about my crush (the whiteboy next to me in gym class) with another douchebag that tries hitting on me.

P.S. all this is based on my story life in schoool.

Follow me on twitter at @amzlovez and my Twitter names says 10inch SP(ENIS)OONS

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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