; john dory // waterfall & sunset 🌅💦

Comenzar desde el principio

passing through small rivers and climbing over large rocks.
we started seeing animals like deer and bunnies.
i'd stare up at the sky every once in a while, to guess what time of day it was.

i stopped looking up for a little while, but when i looked up again, i saw the sun was setting.

"john, it's almost dark, when will we be there?" i exclaimed.
"we're here," he looked back at me, with a huge smile on his face.
his words prompted me to peek over his shoulder, there i saw an open area.
rocks being the ground and i heard a loud sound that was constant. falling water.
or, in other words, a water fall.

i started to pick up my past, enough to walk side by side with john and not just trailing behind him in a sense of loss.

once all the trees got out of our way, i saw a huge stream, not even far away from me, falling from what seemed to be the sky.
the biggest most colorful-est (?) waterfall i've ever seen.

"woah," i mumbled.
"pretty..right?" he glances at me.
"..i ..guess," i scoffed.
although i don't really believe this was well worth it.. it was still kinda fun.
just a little though. 😀🤏

once i turned to look back at john, he was gone. (bro always does this ‼️🔥🗣️)
i looked around, spotting he was walking over to a rock to sit.
i quickly ran after him, sitting as he sat, we had a perfect view of the water now.

the sunset shined beside it, making the rocks glow an orange.

"hungry?" john nudged my arm.
i glanced to see a sandwich in his hand.
i nodded, grabbing it from him as he offered it.
"thanks," i grinned, taking a bite of the sandwich.
normally, this isn't something i'd ever bothering eating, something i don't even really like,
but oddly it was good..really..good?.

the rock a sat and leaned on was warm, the hot sun had been burning up to it all day, and yet compared to the cold forest, this place was gold.

once we finished eating, i smiled at john, leaning more onto the warm rock as my eyes were half open.

"you're gonna sleep?" he questioned with an amused expression.

"..yeah," i scoffed.
"wake me up when you're ready to leave," i replied, hoping it'd be soon because i don't wanna walk for hours at night.

"wait..." he shakes me for a second, as his voice mumbled awkwardly, he holds up a camera, and a stupid smile appears onto his lips, "take a picture with me,"
i lightly laughed.
sitting up,  we both turned so the waterfall and sunset could be seen behind us.
we both gave the biggest smiles we could.
and the camera gently flashed.

we both snickered and giggled over nothing, as we sat down once again.
"keeping this in my wallet, what a rare moment!" he stares at the polaroid with stars almost in his eyes.

i hummed a small laugh as i slowly shifted my eyes from john, to the sunset.

my eyes slowly shut.
enjoying the moment.
but being exhausted on the other hand.

as i felt myself drifting off, i heard another flash of the camera.

[ EXTRA 😼😼 ]

i slowly cracked open my eyes, looking around.
i'm in the car??

i sat up quickly in confusion.

"hey, yer up!" john chuckles, coming down from the platform with the steering wheel, as the living car was in an auto pilot.

"how'd..i get here?" i scratched the back of my neck, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion and curiosity.

"well i whistled for rhonda," he put his hands on his hips. (his vans name is rhonda, right? 😭)
"really?" i smiled in entertainment.

"nah," he smirks, shaking his head.
"-wait, really??" i said again, this time in shock.
"then what did you do?" i raised an eyebrow.

"..well i carried you down," he shrugged.
'😧' was the face i gave him, as in another 'really?!?'
he laughs.
"even with the backpacks?" i spoke with confusion.
"yup," he clicked his tongue.
"i put your backpack on your shoulders..then gave you a piggyback..annddd had mine on my stomach instead of my back! 😼" he said very very proudly, as he flexes his muscles, but i was more impressed over his endurance.

i jokingly clapped my hands, 'wow'-ing. but i was definitely impressed.

he sat down beside me.
leaning back as i could see he was tired now.

i glanced out the window, seeing it was very dark.
probably midnight.

"...did you think it was fun?" he mumbles tiredly.

i briefly chuckled, thinking for a moment.
"..yeah," i hummed, "was' kinda fun," i leaned back with him.

i guess that's all he wanted to figure out, because he had no response- unless, a response was some snoring.

i smirked, squinting my eyes as i shifted to look at his face, he was drooling and everything.

huh, even though my legs are sore,
and my arms hurt, especially my shoulders. . .
this really wasn't that bad.

..but i cant admit it.
he'll plan more of them 😒.

[ the end 😋😋 ]

i wasn't gonna add the 'EXTRA' part but ig it's a treat for yallz 😋😇

love yalllll 😘 XOXO BOO BOO BEARS 💋

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