Sirius, looking confused, high fived her.

"I can't believe you didn't tell them before." Hermione shook her head at me disapprovingly.

"Well it looks like the Potters' interest in gingers continues," said Sirius blankly. "You really are your father's son, Harry."

"Like I haven't heard that before," said Harry. "Okay, well now that everyone knows everything -"

"Not quite, mate," Ron said. "I'll have you people know that they have a house together and everything."

"My house blew up," said Luna. "The Crumple Horned Snorntack self-distrusted."

"Um... Luna, we were there," Harry informed her.

Hermione added, "And that wasn't a Crumple Horned Snorntack, Luna, it was a -"

"Alright ladies," said Neville. "And you, Ron, just shut up."

"Lily," Andromeda said, turning to who she was talking to, "do you mind looking after Dora tonight? The Ministry called for both Ted and I, and we don't know where else we could take her."

Lily smiled. "Of course, Dromeda."

"She can have my room," I voulentered.

"Then where are you going to go?"

"With Harry."

"No horseplay in there!" James warned.

Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, and everyone else had to disguise their laughter as a fit of coughs. Both Harry and I glared daggers. James somehow remained solemn.

"I'm serious, if I hear one little suspicious sound -"

"Okay, and this meeting is over," Lily said quickly. "We'll meet up again next week. And Ginny, how about you and Dora just share a room?"

"That isn't fair!" I insisted. "Ron and Herm- I'll drop it now."


I laid in bed, but didn't sleep. Tonks was in a duplicated bed on the opposite side of the room, and I couldn't tell if he was awake or not.

But suddenly she asked me, "Ginny, who was my husband?"

"I don know if I should tell you that," I whispered with a sigh. "Don't tell your mum."

"I won't."

I didn't answer for a moment. Then I answered her question. "You married Remus after Sirius died. You were really put out by him dyeing and such, and no one could cheer you up but him. You were truly happy with him."

"And... We had a kid?"

I laughed quietly. "Yeah. He's here, you know. Only he's sleeping. When you made Harry godfather I was so happy! I knew he'd love it if he knew..."

"How did he not know?" she asked.

I swallowed. "He was away when you had Teddy. The next time he saw you, both you and Remus had... had gone. So when Harry and I moved in together he came with us, and he just grew up with us. Harry absolutely adores him, though. He'd make a great dad one day, don't you think?"

Tonks said, "Yeah. Are you married?"

I sighed again. "No. I wish we were. I love him more than anything... But you probably wouldn't understand that."

"No, I understand fine! You two look perfect together. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but I did. When you look at him you can't help smiling, and you have this look in your eyes that I can't explain. It's the same with him. I can tell he means everything to you."

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