Chapter 11

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Lily Apparated to the Burrow with Teddy, and the group of us were standing on the edge of the Forbidden Forest in the shadwos. In everyone's eyes were the reflctions of the fire that was eating away at the great castle, and the light from the spells shot. I felt like I would cry. I never waned to relive this, not ever... But I had to if I want Fred back, and want to save innocent lives. If I want Ted to have a better future.

"I never thought... I never... I didn't know it was this bad," James said quietly, gulping.

"It's called the Second Wizarding War for a reason," I said. "Ready?"

Everyone nodded, raising their wands. Harry grabbed my hand. We murmered the incantation rather than yelling it, as not to draw attention to ourselves. The blue vapor that came from our wands seeped down the grass, and over the castle. A spell that had been shot was frozen in mid air, and the fire stopped flickering.

"We only have an hour," I said, grabbing them and starting to walk towards the castle. "Try to avoid the Great Hall or the Hospital Wing."

"How about Ron and I go find Tonks?" Hermione suggested.

"Good idea," Harry said. "Sirius and Dad can go find Remus. Don't worry, you'll recognise him. I'll go with Neville to find Snape, and Gin, you and Luna can find Fred."

I nodded and kissed Harry goodbye. I didn't want to leave him again; but it's not like anything could happen - tme was frozen.


(Author's Note: for now, I'm doing from 3d person POV)

James and Sirius found Remus quickly. He was wandering around the frozen place, looking so confused that no one else was moving as well. And when he saw Sirius and James, jumped and shot a spell at them. It hit James in the leg, and he fell down, yelling, "MOONY YOU IDIOT! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT?! GOSH JESUS THAT HURT!"

"Please don't hurt me!" Sirius held his hands in the air. "Let me explain, Moony!"

"What the bloody hell is this?" Remus asked, looking confused and horrified.

"Okay so Ginny had this Time-Turner and she came and saved us then we obliviated everyone to think we died then we saved Sirius now we have to get you and Nymphadora and Fred and and Snape so please don't kill us you idiot!" James pleaded.

"If you're really Prongs, and if you're really Padfoot," he lowered his wand a bit, but then pointed it at them again. "Proove it."

"We met on the train to Hogwarts when we were eleven," said Sirius.

"Yeah," said James. "Some fourth years were picking on you so we told them to sod off."

"And then we asked about your scars and you told us a dog attacked you when you were three."

Remus was staring at them. He put his wand away. "Ginny really did this?" he whispered.


"Oh my God."


Hermione and Ron found Tonks running around the third floo. When she saw them Tonks said, "Thank God! I think the Death Eaters did something - everyone is frozen, and - wait... Why do you guys... look different?"

"No time to explain," Hermione said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her down the staircase as Ron trailed behind.

"Just don't freak out when you see Sirius or James," said Ron. "Don't ask, Tonks..."

"You guys look... older," Tonks said, confused. "Why do you look older?"

"Two words," said Hermione, "Time Travel."


Ginny's eyes filled with tears when she saw Fred. He was running around slapping every Death Eater he could find, but ran into Ginny and laughed. "Hey lil sis. Isn't this great? Everyone are like statues, we can win!"

Ginny hugged him. "Come with us," she said, "Fred, we froze everyone."

"You," he said, patting her on the head, "are a genious, you know that, right?"

Fred didn't question them as they ran to find the others.


Harry and Neville were running down to the boathouse. When they got there, they saw a bald, cloaked figure - Voldemort - sneering at Snape, but he was frozen.

"Snape," Harry said, and Snape looked at him, confused.

"Potter," he said in a whisper, and whisked himself out of the boathouse, locking the door magically behind them. Then a small grin came to his face. "You forgot to obliviate me all those years ago, did you know?"


Ginny's POV

Luna, Fred, and I were running when they bumped into Hermione, Ron, and Tonks, and then they found the Maradures.

"Where's Harry, Neville, and Snape?" Luna asked.

"The boathouse," I said, remembering.

So all of us met up with them.

"Let's go get Ted and Lily, then... We're done," said Hermione, a smile crossing her face.

I smiled and hugged her. "Yes, Hermione, we did it, Miss I'm-Not-Sure-This-Will-Work!"

"Wait... Teddy's here?!" Remus asked.

"I want to know exactly what's going -" Tonks began.

"Later," I said, giddy with the thought we had actually done it, that we had done it without killing anyone.


I skipped around for the rest of the day. We got Ted and Lily, and thought we would the night at the Leaky Cauldron (disguised, of course). Then the next morning we would go home... Finally.

We told the whole story to everyone we had saved. They seemed to take it fine - I think Tonks and Remus didn't care as long as they were with Teddy again.

Harry took me on a midnight walk through Diagon Ally for a little time to ourselves. All the shops were closed down, and no one was out except us, which was the good part. We hadn't gotten to be alone for days.

We sat on a picnic table bench he put his arm around me, holding my hand with the other. I dropped my head onto his shoulder.

"You're amazing, you know that, right?" Harry told me, smiling.

"I try to be," I replied, grinning up at him.

"I would have never known my parents at all without you," he said, kissing the top of my head. "I love you."

"Love you," I said, sighing.


I don't know what happened to me, I'm on a roll today... Three chapters up in one day?! Huh. And I'm home alone so all I have to do write... Maybe I'll finish it today! Thoughs? Today or tomorrow. Promise ;)

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