Chapter 2

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Ginny's POV

When the last Order member invited, Sirius ("Padfoot, YOU ARE LATE."), arrived and he took his seat next to Remus at the table, the room went quiet and everyone was looking at me expectantly. My parents were in the far right of the room. Lily and James were on my left.

I cleared my voice. "Er... Hi! My name is Ginny Weasley, and I am nineteen years old. Let me explain. No interruptions until the end, please. It's a long story."

I took my Time-Turner out and placed it on the table.

"This is a Time-Turner," I introduced. "It... Well, it turns back time, obviously. If you're wondering where I got it, my best friend - Hermione - had it for some reason, and I kind of took it. Don't think I'm bad or anything, but I had this ingenious idea, and I needed it, and I knew Hermione would never let me have it anyway. Okay, moving off that, I came from nineteen years into the future. I don't think anything's different much, except we're recovering from the Second Wizarding War, also known as the Battle of Hogwarts. It was last year. And, in my time, Voldemort was killed in it. Big load off, if you ask me. Trying to go to school with him ruling was scary, I'm telling you. But anyway, as I was saying. Most of you who are in this room are dead, and if you haven't already guessed, my ingenious idea is to stop that from happening. The order goes in something like this: Lily and James's deaths are the closest - October thirty-first - then it's Sirius in 1995, Dumbledore a year later, then, right before the war, Ted, and in the war, Remus, Nymphadora, and Snape." I didn't want to mention Fred and get my parents worried.

Everyone was staring at me, except Lily and James. Lily had her watery eyes downward, at the floor, and James's arm was around her waist protectivly. I swallowed and didn't meet anyone's eyes. It was hard enouth just talking about this, about everyone dying, but having everyone stare at me in silence after talking about it made me feel alone, an individual. A pang of sadness hit me when I thought of Harry - would I ever get back to him?

Maybe not.

I was about to mentally hit myself, but the thirteen year-old Tonks piped up from beside Andromeda.

"Well, I'm at least proud I fought against him."

It was the first time I really recognized her. She looked a lot like the last time I saw her, even if she was twenty something then. Tonks still had a heart-shaped face, and her usual bubble gum pink hair with warm black eyes.

I admired her just then. She was only thirteen, she had just found out she was going to die soon, and yet she looks on the bright side that she had fought against the worst person alive.

I smiled. "You were also my other best friend, and you made everyone call you Tonks, and you were an Auror. Oh, and you have a son. You made Harry godfather."

Andromeda raised her eyebrows. "And who's the father?"

"Someone. In this room. That's all I'm saying."

"Let me guess, dead, too?"

"How'd you know?"

Tonks scowled and didn't say anything else.

"Ginervra," Dumbledore suddenly said, speaking for the first time and making me jump, "I'm assuming you have a plan to keep us alive?" 

I nodded. "Yes. But first, how'd you know that was my name?"

His liquid blue eyes twinkled. "Taking a lucky guess."

"Right. Guesses. My plan is -"

"How do we know if we can trust you?" Sirius asked darkly. "You didn't even tell us your real name."

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