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"I have reached four million followers and it's all thanks to you." Grace handed out little gifts to the boys, Kelly and Gustavo.

They opened their gifts the boys all got signed memberbila of their favorite hockey players.

"Awesome!!" shouted James

"Wicked!!" spoke Logan

"Woah!" exclaimed Kendall

"Cool." pouted Carlos

"Wow I was expecting a better reaction." smiled Grace

"Don't take it to heart It has nothing to do with you," commented Logan

"You a girl," said Carlos


"Why would a girl that clearly like you reject you?" he asked

"Well, it could be a number of things like she has a boyfriend."

"She doesn't," added James

"She is not ready to date. She doesn't feel like she'd be good for you."

"She would be." answered the boys

"Okay, maybe it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with her," Grace answered

"I should call her," said Carlos pulling out his phone

"No! Talking to her in person is better!" Grace started to panic

"No, I gotta do it while I still got my nerve." said Carlos "Wait I don't have her number."

"I do." Kendall pulled out his phone

"I'm gonna go." said Grace speed walking out of the room

Dibs starts playing on her phone the boys look from Kendall's phone to Grace's

"No way!" they say getting up Kelly and Gustavo follow they see her standing at the elevator "Come on come on turn off." she panicked pressing her phone, Kendall calls her again just as she gets in the elevator he closes before they reach her.

"Oh Kendall what up," she speaks into the phone

They start going down the stairs "Are you at the Plamwoods?" asked Kendall

"Nope I'm out in about, how about I stop by later we can talk then she ends the call." before switching her phone to vibrate

"No way she can't be Grace," said James

"Think about it she sounds the same Carlos said they hand the same perfume and Grace was at both events with a camera and they were posted on her blog." spoke Logan they made it in front of the elevator a few minutes before Grace arrived "oh i thought you were gonna calling someone?" smiled Grace "well its was good seeing you she starts to walk past them Kendall grabs her wig revealing burgundy hair.

"Rude much." she spat at Kendall before grabbing her wig and running off

"Follow her!" Kendall yells and they take off

"You look pissed," Ryder said as she walked in wig off

"I think my days of being Anonymous are over." she took off her contacts and switched her outfit "Luckily for me I have a week before I have to deal with this," she said grabbing her suitcase

"Oh yeah the vaka review," spoke Ryder

"If they ask you have no idea where I am." she walked out

Minutes after she left the boys barge in "Woah hi." said Ryder

"Where is she?" they asked

"Not here," answered Ryder

The boys look around "What is this about?"

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