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Year: 1969

Date: March 8th


Clarissa Blakely, aged 16, had just given birth to both hers and William Afton's, aged 18, first child, Michael Afton. As Clarissa rested in the hospital bed, William brought oit his newborn son over to the waiting room where Henry Emily, age 17, Cairo Fitzgerald, age 18, Melissa Halberg, age 17, and Jeremy Fitzgerald, age 3 months, 1 week and 5 days.

Clarissa was currently resting in her hospital bed after just having a C-Section for the birth of Michael. William, wanting to brag about just becoming a father. He went over to his best friend, Henry Emily, age 17, Cairo Fitzgerald, age 18, Melissa Halberg, age 17, and their 3 month old son, Jeremy Fitzgerald.

William, with the newborn baby Michael in his arms, went over to Cairo, who was holding his own son, Jeremy.

Cairo: "Welcome to fatherhood, William. Prepare yourself for sleepless nights and a restless baby-"

Henry: "I am never having children. Just the thought is knocking me sick."

William: "At least you didn't watch surgeons cut open your girlfriend's stomach and then bring out a human being."

William's words must've disgusted Henry enough to make him run off to a bethrom to vomit-

Cairo and William were sat on a bench, both their sons babbling off to eachother whilst sat on their fathers' laps. Melissa was with Clarissa in the hospital room and Henry was busy vomiting into a toilet-

What an amazing way to start off an everlasting relationship...

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