Sorry Dude, I Got It From Here.

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I woke up on a Monday morning to my blaring alarm. "Shut the fuck up!" I smashed the alarm. I sit up groggily and I look at my smashed up alarm. "Shit... That's the second time this week.." i mumble. I get up to start the day and brush my teeth and get dressed.

I have a white T-shirt tucked into my baggy pants, and a blue jacket over the shirt with a blue tie loosely hung around my neck with some black and white tennis shoes.(picture above is kind of what she looks like, she just has the uniform on and has ears and tail that fades to dark blue to black and red eyes and abs. You have to swipe to find the second photo if you see a Blue moon.)

I look at my dark blue ears and tail. "Ugh, do I really have to brush them too for school? Should I?" I debated with myself. "Nah, I'll do it tomorrow." I had Blue ears and a tail, but faded to black. I brush my long black hair, and I put it in a low ponytail with part of my bangs hanging out.

I go down the stairs and look at the toaster. I stared at it for a minute before deciding that I was going to skip breakfast. I put on a mask and a pair of sunglasses.

What can I say? I like being dramatic at times. Plus, they don't need to see how attractive I am on the first day, do they? I laugh mentally at my joke. But they also don't need to judge my red eyes. And they don't need to see my charming smile. Ha ha ha, I love my Insecurities...

I walked out the door with my backpack hung over my shoulder. I get out my phone and ear pods and listen to music, specifically my beloved, Benson Boone.

I close my eyes and listen to the song, nodding my head at the rhythm. But I don't have it too loud since my wolf ears are sensitive. So I luckily stopped walking just in time to not get run over by a train.

I chuckle to myself, finding it funny that I almost died. What? I have a weird sense of humor, ok? I walk a little bit farther and I see a black haired girl with orange-like eyes run out of a house and run down the sidewalk.

I smile to myself, finding it hilarious that she thought she was late. I listen to my music and jog the rest of the way to school. Once I got there I wasn't panting or tired. I look at the few amount of people there, I guess I was early. I walk to stand near the fountain.

I saw the little girl from earlier standing on the other side of the fountain. I was about to say my greetings when she got pushed over by some brooding dude.

I rushed and caught her just in time before she fell in the fountain. On the corner of my eye I saw some guy running towards her too, sorry dude, but I got it from here.

"Hey are you ok?" I caught her in a romantic kind of way, with my arms rapped around her back, and her hands on my chest. "O-oh, um, yes! I'm fine, thank you!" She stuttered.

I chuckled and lifted her back up. "You sure? That guy pushed you hard." I replied. I saw a tint of blush on her, it was kind of adorable.

"Y-yeah! I-im fine, really." She smiled nervously. I was about to say something else when the bell rang, signifying that it was time to go inside.

"That's the bell, see you later cutie!" I wave and walk off. I would have winked if I didn't have sun glasses. I saw her get red in the face again.

I chuckled and put my hands in my pocket. I stopped walking to listen to the announcement that was about to happen, I heard it from my 'super' hearing.

My senses are heightened from other wolfs. I learned that the hard way. "Attention students! All freshmen go to the gym, you can get your schedule."

A girl announced. I looked around to follow the croud to the gym. I followed the crowd into a huge room with all different stands and there was a line to get their schedule.

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