Once night time had settled fully she left her little spot and crept towards the first soldier’s tent on the outskirts and slipped inside.

As she expected it was empty but it wasn’t long before a soldier returned with a woman in tow that was scratching his arms and face, trying to get away.

“Get in there, you wench!” The man growled and threw the village woman through the flaps.

She fell to the floor by Izzie’s feet and screamed anew when she saw her stood there, sword at the ready.

“You’ll be screaming for me in a-” The man started as he walked inside, undoing his belt when he saw her and froze.

“Scream for me,” Izzie growled at him as he gripped the back of his head and sliced her sword across his throat, cutting through his larynx so he couldn’t shout for help.

The woman was screeching now so Izzie dropped the man’s body and knelt beside the girl, pressing her hand over her mouth.

“You didn’t see anything,” Izzie told her, “You don’t know anything. You’re going to run home and stay there. Okay?” Izzie asked.

The woman nodded her head, eyes wide as she stared at her.

“Head for the forest and go straight on, you’ll find a village and the people there will help you,” Izzie informed her before she pushed her out of the tent and watched her until she disappeared into the forest.

Heading back into the tent she stripped the man’s army leather and cloak off and pulled it over the top of her own shirt.

Snatching the metal helmet from the floor she wound her hair up inside it and sheathed her sword.

Now, she looked just like another foot soldier and could walk about camp with ease.

Walking between the tents she made her way towards the larger, more extravagant tent near the front where Colt, the army’s leader who had ordered the attack on her village and turned her into this, was resting.

Soldiers were on guard outside his tent so she snuck around the back where she could hear muted laughter and girls giggling.

She hated to interrupt him but she’d been waiting years for this and she couldn’t bear to wait another second.

Unsheathing her sword she slashed a large ‘x’ in the thick material and stepped through, aiming her sword towards the bed where three naked women were covered in multiple fur covers . . . but no Colt.

Izzie frowned as she stared at the girls, she had heard a man’s voice, she was sure Colt was in here when she heard the sound of a boot scuffing on the floor behind her.

Spinning around she raised her sword above her head and blocked Colt’s attack.

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