"I don't know, by that time, he probably will just forget about me and move on, I mean, it's been a whole year, so why would he even bother with a girl like me? I mean look, I'm nothing like a model, I have freckles, I wear glasses, and I have the worse cast of nerd teeth ever! What kind of guy would be interested in a loser like me, maybe it's for the best."

Filimena felt bad, and she places her hand onto Sparkle J's palm. Sparkles J looks up at her.

"You're not a loser, and you for sure aren't ugly, you just have a lot going, It'll be okay, just give it some time, I'm sure you both will talk soon."

"How would you know that? It's..Not like you could see the future or anything, so what makes you think we will?"

"I just know, I always think positively and move forward, if you want to see Ace, you can, just don't make it your worst."

 As Filimena was giving out some advice to Sparkles J, Someone came in, the sounds of giant footstep come forward. Filimena turns around to see a huge figure of someone she wanted to meet.

"Filimena! You're already here!"

Asmodeus cheered after seeing her, Filimena flew over to him with a huge smile, and gave him a warm hug."

"Ozzie! Wonderful to see you too."

She said, Then she stops and looks at him with a guilty expression.

"Look..After yesterday..I-I'm really sorry, I never meant for what had happened, please forgive me."

Asmodeus places his hand onto her cheek.

"Oh don't worry, I'm sorry too, I never meant to be so stressed out, even to you, it was a mistake, I know, but that's behind us now, today, we got out and try to forget what happened okay?"

Filimena warmly smiles again and nods.

"Y-Yes, let's."

She said as Asmodeus leads her out of the building, Sparkles J waves goodbye as the two left, quickly goes back to her phone.

"Ah Dang it, low battery!"

Asmodeus and Filimena leave, and then the limo comes over in front of them. One of the succubi drivers opens the door for both to get in.

"So where are we going Ozzie? Is it something special or anything?"

Filimena asked him, But Ozzie lets her inside.

"You could say that, you'll see."

Filimena sits down as Asmodeus uses his magic to shapeshift his size in order to fit inside with her. His large appearance was almost making Filimena blushed a bit of how close he was to her, he then closes the door, and tells the driver to go. And so, they're off the road, Filiemna looks back as they drove far from where they were before.

Asmodeus notices her.

"Hey, you okay?"

Filimena looks back at him.

"Oh, I'm okay, just, well, a lot going on, nothing personal."

She then leans her head onto his arm, Asmodeus looks at her, then she felt his large arm caress her. Filimena warmly smiled by his touch, the driver notices from the front driver's mirror, but  pays no attention to that as he continues to drive. Filimena looks at the window, sees all the buildings that passed by, she loves the sight of lights and many attractions that flashed outside, but, the deeper she watched, something appeared. She saw her reflection changed as her figure turns dark, and different, it wasn't her at all, instead, it was something else. Filimena looks at the reflection, she felt her heart sink, and a cold feeling underneath her skin, soon, the reflection turns her head, and now stares at her in the eyes with her moth stretching out into a huge wide grin, chuckling coldly. Filimena gasped and turns away from the mirror, suddenly now, she felt really cold, and didn't even dare to look back at the window at all throughout the whole trip, instead, she just wants to be close with Asmodeus as her only safe place.

~Marriage Of Asmodeus~ (Updated)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt