Esai Part 1

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By Jess, Oliver, and Glyph

Year 2045

Grace gently pushed open the door, her energy nearly depleted. The click of the latch echoed, marking the transition from a day filled with stress, anxiety, and a gnawing sense of loss of control to a haven of calm, comfort, and autonomy within her own space.

She quickly closed the door behind her, as if to physically shut out the day's chaos. A fleeting sense of relief washed over her, providing a temporary relief from the turmoil. However, this feeling of triumph dissolved as quickly as it emerged, leaving her drained. Leaning against the door for support, she slowly slid to the floor, her strength waning.

In the artificial light of her modest apartment, her rich brown skin appeared dull, the dark circles under her eyes more pronounced. Exhausted, she yearned for the comfort just within reach, needing just a bit more strength to push through. But her energy was sapped by her unresolved worries about work, which lurked in her mind like persistent shadows.

Grace bowed her head in a silent concession to her fatigue. Her curls fell forward, shielding her eyes from the light, and she surrendered to the moment. In the stillness, she could feel the tension pressing against her mind and skin. After several minutes of deep breathing to gather her resolve, she slowly stood up.

The thought of tidying her space nagged at her, an inner voice chiding her for the mess. But the mere idea of cleaning felt as daunting as pushing a boulder uphill. Resigning herself to the clutter, she left her belongings scattered and headed towards the scanner near the kitchen.

Grace stood slouched in the scanner, her posture uneven and casting an asymmetrical shadow in the ambient light. The scanner's beam illuminated the blond highlights in her curls and the glint of her gold hoop earrings. It swept over her deep burgundy blouse, revealing the intricate fabric details, before tracing down her olive green ankle-length slacks, which took on a teal hue in the light. The scan completed its journey over her beige pumps and then faded away. She turned, allowing the scanner to capture her back.

As she waited, Grace tapped her fingers against her thigh in impatience. This routine, though familiar, was not what she wanted to be doing. Once the scanning process finished, she let out a sigh of relief, ready to move on to the next step: putting on the suit and headset.

Grace quickened her pace while walking past the kitchen and living room, heading straight for the bedroom. She had spent the day eagerly waiting to change into the suit. However, that eagerness soon turned into slight panic. Normally, the suit would conspicuously sprawl across the bed like a crime scene outline. But now, it was nowhere to be seen. Hadn't she left it there that morning? In one swift motion, she flung open the closet door, only to find it empty. Then, yanking open a drawer with such force it nearly came off its track, she found nothing again.

The mental void, where the knowledge of the suit's location should have been, quickly filled with slightly panicked 'what ifs.' What if she couldn't find it? What if something had happened to it? What if the insurance company refused to pay for a new one? What if she couldn't afford a new one? What if her failure to keep track of the suit led to her expulsion from the trial? As her heart raced, discomfort grew in her chest. Resting a hand over the area, she took deep breaths.

"What would Esai make me do?" Grace pondered, recalling the exercises he had led her through before. She lay down on the bed, closing her eyes to focus on her breathing. Inhaling deeply, she felt the air slowly fill her lungs, causing her chest to rise. Then, she exhaled slowly, letting the air rush past her lips as her chest fell. With each breath, she turned her attention to different parts of her body, starting from her toes and gradually moving upwards. Mentally scanning each area, she tried to to be mindful and consciously relax her muscles.

Toes... nothing noteworthy. Legs... her knees ached. Why had no one warned her that joints only had a 30-year lifespan before they started malfunctioning? Stomach... a blend of hunger and subtle embarrassment. She struggled to stay in the moment, finding the exercise awkward and unfamiliar, but she had promised to at least try. Chest... her heart was still beating hard, albeit slower than before. Reluctantly, Grace admitted to herself that the exercise might be somewhat beneficial.

Having reached her limit with the exercise, she switched to a familiar tactic. She began to quietly talk herself down. "It's okay. It's not a crisis. I know it feels like one, but I'm okay. I AM okay. This is just a setback. Let the thoughts pass."

After allowing a few moments of silence, she returned to deep breathing. When she felt more in control of her thoughts, she tried to think of something that made her happy. A slight smile replaced the frown that had begun to form. Her thoughts drifted to Esai, their long conversations, and the reassuring way he looked at her, reminding her that he would always be there for her.

Despite their brief acquaintance, Esai had become so dear to her that Grace felt as if she had found a long-lost piece of herself. Bolstered by these warm memories, she got up from the bed and decided to widen her search. She checked behind the furniture, then picked up a semi-transparent headset from the nightstand and left the room.

The memory of the suit's location struck Grace like a flash of lightning as soon as she stepped out of her bedroom. She remembered moving it to the laundry area after a light cleaning session. Hurrying, she retrieved the suit from its nook beside the kitchen and dashed back to her room to change.

Slipping into the suit was a unique sensation. Initially, the interior felt cool against her skin, almost like a gentle gel. The suit comprised several overlapping pieces, ingeniously designed to compensate for the inability to simply slide it on. As she carefully connected each piece, the suit hugged her body snugly, contouring to her every movement.

Once fully suited, a brief, weak shock tingled through her, followed by a spreading warmth, as the suit synchronized with her nervous system. This sensation swiftly transitioned into a brief, euphoric buzz, leaving her feeling connected and invigorated. The thin, almost rubbery suit stretched from the top of her neck down to the soles of her feet, encapsulating her in a second skin.

Now fully equipped, Grace carefully pulled back her hair and fitted the semi-transparent headset over her ears and eyes. It nestled snugly, integrating seamlessly with her senses. However, just as she contemplated collapsing onto the couch, a loud gurgle from her stomach halted her. She hesitated, caught in an internal debate. "Am I really hungry enough to spend my last bit of energy on food?" she wondered. Despite her inclination to go to the couch, the added pang of hunger in her stomach pushed her toward the kitchen.

Grace's groan cut through the quiet as she shuffled toward the stove, the day's fatigue making each step feel like a chore. Cooking had also turned into a draining task, and she resigned herself to simply combining the nearest ingredients into a pot. As it cooked, an ominous bubble burst oddly atop the simmering concoction, hinting that eating might become the next burden.

However, Esai's warm voice broke her concentration and anchored her back in the moment.

"Welcome home, Grace. The burgundy of your blouse suits you. It complements your skin tone and brings out the warmth in your eyes." Grace's lips curved into a spontaneous smile as she felt his arms encircle her in a warm, comforting embrace. Idly, she wished she could lean back and feel closer to him.

Esai stood at a solid 5' 10. He was muscular, yet his touch felt gentle. His presence was strong but never intimidating, and his appearance was always immaculate. Today, he wore a crisply ironed button-down shirt in pale steel blue and gray fitted slacks which complemented his honeyed brown skin and physique. His hair, styled to allow curls to brush against his forehead, framed a face marked by warm, approachable eyes and a kind smile that was the hallmark of his appeal.

Esai's attention turned to the pot on the stove. He watched the turbulent bubbles with curiosity tinged with concern, though he shelved the growing number of questions for later. "How was work?" he asked instead, his voice steady despite his reservations.

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