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Apologies to everyone for not adhering to the planned schedule and failing to post yesterday. To compensate, I will make today's post short, as it coincides with my birthday on New Year's Day. Please note that there will be no post tomorrow or on New Year's Day, so I aim to make this one more substantial than the others, but it may be shorter than 1000 words. Without further ado, let us proceed to the chapter at hand.
TW: Awkward moments, asteroids (?), death mentions, threats, etc


The discovery of the SECOND Moon Revolution was swiftly disseminated throughout the solar system. While a portion of planets expressed discontent, others remained silent for an extended period as they comprehended and processed the information gradually. Gradually...


After dedicating a considerable amount of time to devising a strategy alongside several other celestial bodies capable of inflicting significant harm or repercussions, it is anticipated that Saturn and Jupiter will assume the responsibility of thwarting the impending threat and persuading the moons against initiating a revolution. Additionally, the Sun may opt to emit solar flares as a precautionary measure, ensuring the safety of all parties involved without any intention of causing harm.

It required some time for Sun and me to rehearse our roles without making any mistakes. During our initial attempt, I unintentionally got struck by a solar flare. That day turned out to be quite bothersome, especially without Siyni being involved.

On the third day, we ensured that everyone was well aware of their roles. All Siyni had to do was maintain an innocent facade in front of the Moons while the rest of us handled the more unpleasant tasks. Siyni effortlessly conversed with Mars and Moon as if it were a casual affair. Surprisingly, Mercury and I engaged in a peaceful conversation without any arguments. "Are you prepared, pipsqueak?" I inquired, my voice slightly strained, to which Mercury responded with a subtle smile.

~~time skip to the fight with the moons~~

Third Person POV:

Asteroids zoom past like minuscule particles. Jupiter remained unfazed, gazing intently. Saturn, on the other hand, cast a disapproving look towards a handful of his moons. Fortunately, Titan was spared from this judgment or else he would have faced discrimination from his own planet. Meanwhile, Siyni unknowingly carried a massive asteroid at the rear of his base/head. It wasn't until Mars spoke up, his eyes widened, that Siyni became aware of its presence. "Um... Earth... You have..." Mars mumbled.

Siyni tilted his head in confusion, asking, "What do you mean...?" He felt a throbbing sensation, but it wasn't an unbearable pain. Rather, it felt like a heavy weight pressing against the back of his head. Mars exclaimed in shock, "You have an asteroid lodged... IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD?!" This outburst caught the attention of everyone around, causing them to turn and look at Siyni. Venus, filled with anger, hissed, "For God's sake, you idiot! When did that happen and why aren't you in pain?!" As Venus spoke, his teeth clenched together, creating a grinding noise. The surface of his planet was marked with red dots, evidence of previous asteroid impacts. Siyni admitted, "Well, it does hurt, but I'm not going to start crying. It's more of a pressure sensation." He let out a quiet huff, expressing his frustration.

The Sun gazed into the distance, determined to unleash a solar flare without any hesitation if necessary. His primary objective was to safeguard his planets, ensuring they did not suffer the fate of Theia and other celestial bodies that collided catastrophically. The Sun had no desire to display his vulnerability by shedding golden tears in front of others. Absolutely not.

Upon noticing the crimson marks on Venus, Sun's composure nearly shattered. In a hushed tone, he muttered, "Leave... Distance yourselves as much as possible." He desperately wished that the Moons, who were aligned against Earth, wouldn't overhear his words, yet he yearned for his own planets and Moon to heed his warning. Siyni and Mars both turned their gaze towards Sun, their expressions softening. "My friends, we must depart," Mars declared with urgency. "We must... Sun will unleash..." Before he could even finish his sentence, the planets had already vanished, followed swiftly by the Moon. Mars ensured that Siyni was safely away before departing as well. The Moons, caught in the midst of their revolution, were left bewildered and, moments later, devastated by a colossal solar flare.

The survivors, who possessed an atmosphere, engaged in a profound discussion with Saturn and Jupiter regarding this matter. The uprising... The uprising... Has concluded! At long last, tranquility reigns. There shall be no further conflicts or... Or will there?


The conclusion of Chapter 13 marks a significant milestone in the book. I am currently contemplating whether to conclude the book at Chapter 35 or extend it further to Chapter 50. Once I reach either of these chapters, I may consider creating a second book.

Voting is required here:

Chapter 35 ending <—— Chat here

Chapter 50 ending <—— Chat Here


After that Book 2 <—— Chat here

I trust that you found this chapter enjoyable, and I am eager to resume sharing more of this book after my birthday hiatus! In any case, I look forward to reconnecting with you all either on January 2 or January 3!

always thought a man was what i needed
thought that there was reason
why, after how hard I tried
love kept declining, defying my expectations
moving in and out of happy places
but i found something
watered my seeds, watched them grow into trees
now i revel in the sweetness of its berries
i dont need a man, i dont even think i want one
art is my soulmate, time is no longer my weakness
bite into life's big peaches
no need for men in my reach
art is my soulmate, my vibe is Venus.

VENUSalways thought a man was what i neededthought that there was reasonwhy, after how hard I triedlove kept declining, defying my expectationsmoving in and out of happy placesbut i found somethingwatered my seeds, watched them grow into treesnow ...

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-990 Words

The Earth's Bad EndingWhere stories live. Discover now