

"Fuuuuck." I groaned. I sat up and moved my shoulder. I could feel the taste of blood in my mouth. I looked down to see that my radio was broken. Great. I heard the distant sounds of a helicopter making me raise an eyebrow. Search and rescue could not have found me this fast, I'm not even sure they would've launched it. I looked around. Fuck. I'm out in the open. I started running towards the forest. I looked back to see the big black ass helicopter and I dove behind a fallen tree as they started firing. I pressed close by the tree as the helicopter slowly wheeled around looking for me. I needed to get going.

I started running with the guns firing behind me, following me like a laser pointer. This was it. Then all I could hear was BOOM! I looked back as I saw an F18 streak past.

"Wtf." I mumbled. And a few seconds later he was hit by an SAM.

"Shit!" I said. His plane caught on fire and trailing heavy smoke as I saw him eject. The jet vanished behind the ridge before slamming into the ground and all I could see was a big cloud of black smoke.

"Fuuuck." I said and started running, tracking the parachute. I sprinted through the trees in the deep snow, it must look pretty funny if you looked from a distance, a short muppet in a flight suit running through the deep snow like a Smurf.

I saw him on his knees from a distance, Bradley, you sick son of a bitch. I rushed towards him and he looked up at him with a small smile.

"You all right?" I shouted.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said and I shoved him hard so he fell into the snow.

"What the hell!?" He shouted.

"What did you do that for, you stupid idiot asshole!?" I shouted.

"What are you doing here, son of a bitch!?" I shouted.

"What am I doing here!?" He shouted.

"You think I took that fucking SAM for you to end up down here!?" I shouted.

"I saved your life just a minute ago!" He shouted.

"What the hell were you even thinking!?" I shouted.

"All we have been taught is not to think, just do!" He shouted and I was silent. He had a point.

"Sill." I said.

"But...." I said catching my breath.

"It's good to see you." I said and he smiled softly.

"You do understand that I couldn't leave you." He said.

"Yeah." I said and he brought me in for a hug.

"Now what? It's not like search and rescue will find us." He said.

"We need a plane." I said and his eyes widened.

"A plane? Where do you think someone will have that lying around? Here in the woods? Don't think so." He said.

"No, but the enemy army base, dumbass." I said and started walking.

"For the love of god." He said and walked after me.

Great Balls Of Fire | Top Gun - Maverick & BradshawTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon