Season 1 Episode 4

28 11 10

Dr. Val: Lisa check what power he has.

Lisa: okay mom (uses her eyes to scan his body) as fire powers, regeneration and heat vision.

Rex: Cool.

Lisa: And you would learn more on how to use your power in Hero Academy.

Rex: When can I start.

Lisa: Tomorrow.

Rex: when will I leave the hospital.

Lisa: Within an hour.

Dr. Val: Start packing, you would soon leave the hospital.

Rex: ok.

( After 30 minutes)

Rex: Bye Dr val.

Dr Val: Bye, greet your parents for me.

Rex: ok.

Lisa: Rex, I'm coming with you.

Rex: No problem.

(At Rex house).

Rex: ( knocks on the door).

Mr. Randerson: ( opens the door) Rex! You are alive.

Rex: Yeah, I've missed you (hugs his dad).

Mrs. Randerson: Rex, you're just in time. We are about to go to the hospital 🏥. We think... ( Feels pain in her stomach) (screams)

Rex: Mom what happened (gasps) is it time....

Mr. Randerson: Yeah, that was what she was trying to say... We think 💬 it's time for her to give birth.

Mrs. Randerson: I hope it's a girl 👧.

Mr. Randerson: Who is that girl at the back of you ( referring to Lisa ).

Rex: Oh, that's the girl 👧 that scanned me in the hospital 🏥.

Lisa: Hi Mr. Randerson it's nice to meet you.

Mr. Randerson: Nice to meet you too. Looks like you made a new friend Rex.

Lisa: My name is Lisa and I am here to convince you to let Rex come to Hero Academy. When I scanned Rex I discovered that he has fire 🔥 powers, regeneration and heat vision.

Mr. Randerson: How did that happen?

Lisa: Long story short, the day of the accident was the day he got his powers.

Mrs. Randerson: What is this s hool about?.

Lisa: Well, from the name it's a school 🏫 where heroes learn how to use their powers better. In short, it's a school for superheroes.

Mrs. Randerson: Is it day or boarding?.

Lisa: Boarding, we were on holidays but we are resuming to school tomorrow.

Mrs. Randerson: Wow that's nice. What time are you supposed to get there.

Lisa: 7am in the morning 🌅.

Mrs. Randerson: That's nice....... ( feels pain in her stomach) ( shouts ) honey I think 💬 the baby is coming out now.

Mr. Randerson: (carries her from the couch 🛋️) Rex we want to go to the hospital do you want to come.

Rex: Yeah. I think Lisa should also come because her mom works at the hospital.

Mr. Randerson: okay. Everyone enter the car. ( They all enter the car).

(After 40 minutes)

( In the hospital)

Mrs. Randerson: (screams)



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