chapter six - are we still friends?

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"can we be friends?"
- tyler, the creator

The morning light streamed through the windows as I descended the stairs, my steps heavy after a sleepless night. Laughter echoed through the house, and as I reached the kitchen, I found Brax and Jace sharing a moment of camaraderie.

"Morning." I grumble.

Ignoring the pain in my chest, I headed to the fridge, the coolness a stark contrast to the tumult inside me.

Jace gazed at me with a smirk on his lips. "Morning, Blondie. You look gorgeous."

My cheeks flushed, but I met his gaze with defiance.

"You look... normal." I add

Brax observed us, a curious glint in his eyes.

"Alright, we've got work to do." Brax says.

"You heard the man. Duty calls." Jace says smirking at me. I wish i could punch that stupid smirk off his face.

They bid me goodbye, but not before Jace glanced at me with a mysterious glint, leaving me wondering.

Alone, I faced my reflection in the kitchen window and gasped. Dark circles under my eyes, disheveled hair - I looked as if i'd been run over by a truck.

I sigh "Great. Just great."

With a heavy heart, I retreated back upstairs, leaving the laughter and banter behind, as the weight of the night pressed on my shoulders.

- Third Person POV -

The ride to work was quiet, the tension between Brax and Jace palpable. As they neared the office, Brax couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"What's going on between you and Astoria?" he asked Jace but Jace just kept his eyes on the road.

"Nothing we are just friends." and to change the subject Jace says "Why did Astoria move to Hallows?"

"Ask her yourself." Brax says nonchalantly.

"I did, but she evaded the answer. What's the deal?" Jace insists.

Brax rolls his eyes at Jace, "Well, what do you expect? You guys hardly know each other."

Jace felt a surge of frustration, Brax seemingly oblivious to the depth of their connection.

"Brax, dude, be real with me." Jace pleads with Brax.

Brax sighed, contemplating whether he should reveal more about Astoria's past.

Brax fidgets with the hem of his sweater "There's more to her story than you think. She's been through a lot."

"So, what's the story? Why'd she move to Hallows?" Jace asks, impatient.

"What has she told you?" Brax avoids the question.

"She dodged the question. Something about needing a change of scenery."

Brax sighs and decides to trust Jace. "Well, it's more complicated than that. She left to escape a painful past."

Jace remained silent, absorbing the revelation.

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