Y/n's powers and abilities

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Influence manifestations, this allows Y/n to create weapons from the influence of the commandments like.

The arm of piety: a katana which is made by the influence and training of Zeldris, with this y/n can use Zeldris' ominous nebula. He learned it from seeing him use it.

Love's edge: a combat knife of excellent caliber able to mimic esstarossa's version of Full counter.

Purity cestus: a large gauntlet which Y/n uses for high level close quarter combat due to derieri's influence. This gauntlet can syphon the blows derieri lands making both a force to be reckoned with.

The fires of Reticence: this fire is not only influence from monspeet but the energy from Zocato. (not gonna say anything else about what the flames are made of cause i don't want to spoil the next part. But if anyone who reads this seen jungle fury then Y'all might have an idea where I'm going with this.) Y/n can mimic monspeet's hell fire bird.

Faith's bow: a bow and arrow made by the influence of melascula, the arrows can poison or remove the soul from the target.

Glave of  truth: this weapon can get Y/n info out of anyone just by slashing, stabbing, or just literally poking someone but the main talent of this weapon is giving Y/n a special version of Galand's Critical Over making his attacks more deadly.

Spear of Repose: a weapon that is made from Y/n's love for gloxinia and is extremely similar to Leonidas' spear but this weapon can syphon energy from Gloxinia and Basquias.

Protection of the Patient: a shield made from the respect Y/n had for Drole it can harden itself when in serious situations and when slammed upon the earth can send shockwaves to the opponent. This weapon is mostly used when Y/n uses the spear of repose.

Chains of a pacifist:These chains are the embodiment of the of the knowledge y/n learned from grayroad they can hold down any who try and attack when grayroad is present when that isn't the case DON'T let Y/n catch with these it ain't pretty

Mace of the selfless: this mace is the product of fraudrin's parental pride of Y/n, seeing him as a cub growing into a mighty lion, this mace can spike itself when combined with the chains of a pacifist, and Y/n can change the mace's size at will.

Zocato: other than the normal abilities zocato Y/n takes it a step further than how Grizzaka did like...

Zocato arrows: Y/n can focus his Zocato power and send arrows made from it.

Zocato rain: Y/n can send his Zocato energy into the sky and a rain of Zocato arrows and destroy the entire area around him.

Other weapons: hidden blade and Viking axes

(Pass this point is spoilers for the next part of this specific story so if you wanna find out don't read this. My jungle fury fans probably know what I'm talking about here)

Rinzin: thanks to the Phantom Beast Generals Y/n has ascended to the next level of power.

Phantom Beast Megazord: the original Phantom beast generals, Scorch, Snapper, and Whiger, can use their power to become zords and become the Phantom Beast Megazord.

Now for his power level Before unleashing full power and mixing Zocato with Rinzin (zocato and Rinzin=500 and Y/n's lion spirit=3,000, Phantom Beast Megazord=10,000)

Strength:20,000 (+1,000)




Total before zocato: 59,000

Now for his full power with Zocato and Rinzin combined

Strength:35,000 (+1,000)



Total(without Phantom Beast Megazord): 106,000

Total(with Phantom Beast Megazord): 116,000

Well I hope y'all enjoy the book so far!  BYE FUCKERS!!!!

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